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Kirby's salute was delivered with less snap but as promptly. "Kirby, Private, Gano's." "Captain William Campbell," the officer identified himself crisply. "Any more of you?" He looked to Boyd and then at the cornfield beyond. "Barrett's a volunteer," Drew explained. This was no time to clarify Boyd's exact status. "There're just the three of us."

"Yes, ma'am; but you " Miss Polly evidently read the pause aright, for she frowned and said crisply: "No, I shall not go. It is not necessary that I should, I think. That is all." And she turned away Miss Polly's arrangements for the comfort of her niece, Pollyanna, were complete. In the kitchen, Nancy sent her flatiron with a vicious dig across the dish-towel she was ironing.

"What for?" queried Allan, as they drove away. "Reasons of my own," she answered, crisply. "Men are as blind as bats." "I'm wearing glasses," he returned, with due humility. "If you think I'm fit to hear why you left that cryptic message, I'd be pleased to." "You're far from fit. Here, turn into this road."

Deleah, her face the colour of a wild rose, her loose dark hair curling crisply in the frosty air, shouted greetings to her mother as she flew past, a little erect, graceful figure keeping her elegant poise with the ease of the young and fearless.

"Any time suits me," he said. "I'm a happy man little Joys are capering all over the place and old Dr. Gloom has packed his grip." Jim startled them all by saying, crisply: "Let's make it to-night. I know Bob he's not the sort to wait." "Fine! Never thought of that."

One Sunday, when she was on her knees, drowsing through the Litany with her cheek on her prayer-book, she became aware of a boy in the next pew with his face turned to her in exactly the same attitude. He had bright fair hair curling crisply, a ruddy fair fat face, and round blue eyes, clear as glass marbles. Beth was pleased with him, and smiled involuntarily.

Torrington and Cranbourne exchanged glances. "Am I to understand that Mr. Frencham Altar has found your hospitality too oppressive?" he asked. "Put it how you like, but that's a side show," came the answer. "We're here on business." Nugent Cassis had recovered some of his self-possession and remarked crisply: "We are very busy, Mr. Hipps."

"The Hyndses, as I have said, are good haters," finished Judge Gatchell. "And so she left Hynds House to me," said I without, I am afraid, much gratitude. "It was hers, to dispose of as she chose." The lawyer spoke crisply. "If you have any scruples, dismiss them.

In general he wrote logically, and, which is rarer, was even capable of being made to see where his logic was wrong. But his premises were much too scanty. What he took for granted was very often by no means granted. It mattered, little to editors or owners, however, so long as he wrote lucidly, sparklingly, "crisply," leaving those who read, willing to read more from the same pen.

Suddenly Mike said crisply: "We're goin' to have visitors." He lay down carefully on the ground, fifteen feet uphill from Sally, where he could look over the ridge. He snuggled the .22 target rifle professionally to his shoulder. He drew a bead. Three men very casually strolled out of the brushwood on the shore. They moved nonchalantly toward the strand of rocks that led out to the picnic spot.