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Thus, in each revolution there are two points where all leverage or power is lost, points which are surmounted because of the momentum given by the flywheel. Clearly we should get most out of an engine if it could be kept working near the points of maximum leverage with the lever as nearly as possible at right angles to the crank-pin. Showing the crank-pin of an engine at: A, First dead centre.

In this arm, T, are the bearings of two cranks, B and C. equal in length to each other and to a third crank, A, which is stationary, being fixed to the pivot, P, by a pin, p. To the crank-pin of A is secured a reverted arm, A', which supports the earth, E, and keeps it also stationary.

It will be noted that the heel, unlike the crank-pin of an engine, never reaches, never even approaches, that point of powerlessness known to engineers as a dead centre. Work is always performed within the limits of the most effective working radius of the lever. It is a law for all the levers of the body; they are set and moved in such a way as to avoid the occurrence of dead centres.

This slide is carried on the crank-pin, I, fastened to the disk, J, attached to the driving shaft, A. The crank-pin, in revolving, reciprocates the rocking lever, E, and main piston, F, and through the medium of the pneumatic connection, the hammer, G. The slide, H, in revolving with the crank-pin, also moves backward and forward along the rocking lever, approaching the fulcrum, B, during the down-stroke of the hammer, and receding from it during the up-stroke.

The brake then acts, and the crank stops after making a revolution of 180 deg., and immersing the zincs to a maximum depth. In order to extinguish the lamp, it is only necessary to press the button, B, again. The axle, M, will then make another half revolution, and, when it stops, the zinks will be entirely out of the liquid. The depth of immersion is regulated by fixing the crank-pin.

Two separate pumps are used for lubrication, one forcing oil to the crank-pin bearing and the other spraying the cylinders. Among other designs of rotary aero engines the E.J.C. is noteworthy, in that the cylinders and crank case of this engine rotate in opposite directions, and two air-screws are used, one being attached to the end of the crankshaft, and the other to the crank case.

After luncheon the machine was run into a machine shop, and three hours were spent in taking up the lost motion in the eccentric strap, at the crank-pin, and in a loose bushing. On opening up the differential gear case both set-screws holding the axles were found loose.

Manly made a number of experiments, and finally decided on radial design, in which the cylinders are so rayed round a central crank-pin that the pistons act successively upon it; by this arrangement a very short and compact engine is obtained, with a minimum of weight, and a regular crankshaft rotation and perfect balance of inertia forces.

We can illustrate the defect best by comparing the movements of the heel with those of the crank-pin of an engine. One serves as the lever by which the gastrocnemius helps to propel the body; the other serves the same purpose in the propulsion of a motor cycle.

Webb, these parts having been broken up before the engine came into his possession. The piston rod is attached to a long cast-iron crosshead, from which two bent connecting rods extend downward, the one to a crank, and the other to a crank-pin inserted in the flywheel. The connecting-rods now on this engine were supplied by Mr.