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While I was observing him there chanced to be a little extra bustle in the street; and he, the brother of Caesar and Hannibal, the great captain who had veiled the world in battle-smoke and tracked it round with bloody footsteps, was seized with a nervous trembling, and claimed the protection of the two policemen by a cracked and dolorous cry.

The speed of the aeroplane had to be reduced, too; they traveled scarcely forty miles an hour. These cliffs ranged from two hundred to a thousand feet high. The professor, at once interested in such a marvel of nature, begged Jack to reduce the speed even more. They merely floated above the cracked expanse of whitish-green ice for some minutes.

I know she does not smile at anybody else the way she does at me, but the condum fools might think she did, and love her. I know if one of those ducks should squeeze her hand, she would be mad, and cuff him, but I could squeeze her hand till her fingers cracked, and she would enjoy it." "I see," said Uncle Ike, smoking right along.

We have introduced mathematics also, and he has advanced a new hypothesis about comets and their long tails. . . Our chief botanical occupation this summer is the careful observation of all our plants, even the commonest, and the explanation of whatever is unusual or enigmatical in their structure. We have already cracked several such nuts, but many remain to be opened.

I believe most people are a little cracked before they begin to write. I will not assert that it is a proof of madness, but it is a proof that a very little more would make them mad. Shakespeare says `the lover, the lunatic, and the poet, are of an imagination all compact. It matters little whether it is prose or poetry; there is often more imagination and more poetry in prose than in rhyme.

They answered, "Fire away, and if you miss we will try our hand at him." I drew a bead at the top of his head, and when the gun cracked I saw that I had hit him. One of the boys cried, "You have hit him," and at that moment he swayed and tumbled from his horse. The report of my gun seemed to be a signal for the whole train to fire, and for the next minute the noise of the guns was terrific.

She sprang to her feet, her bright fancies fallen into cureless ruin. She flashed one indignant glance at Gilbert from eyes whose angry sparkle was swiftly quenched in equally angry tears. "You mean, hateful boy!" she exclaimed passionately. "How dare you!" And then thwack! Anne had brought her slate down on Gilbert's head and cracked it slate not head clear across.

At this a score of idlers reached him their staves being ready enough to see another man have his head cracked, even if they wished to save their own and he took the stoutest and heaviest of all. He made a sorry enough figure as he climbed awkwardly upon the stage, but when he had gained it, he towered full half a head above the other, for all his awkwardness.

Remember also that soundest teacup does not always hold the best tea, or the cracked teacup the worst. This is a hint to the reader, who is not expected to be too curious about the individual Teacups constituting our unorganized association. The Dictator Discourses. I have been reading Balzac's Peau de Chagrin.

Leda Crannon knew perfectly well what effect the throb might have on Snookums' brain, and when something cracked, she wanted to see what effect it might have on the behavior of the little robot. Like a hound after a fox, she followed him through the corridors of the ship.