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The camp was soon looking quite cozy again, when the tents had been placed and everything made snug. "I'm going to like this place almost as well as the one under the cascade," remarked Will, who had been rather skeptical all along. So the first evening came along, and supper was the same hearty, enjoyable meal they had always found it.

But I am sure it was only kindness that prompted him on this dreary day to set the fire in the grate to blazing and arrange the tea-table, the steaming kettle close by, and turn on all the lights. How cozy it is! How homelike! Jack grows stronger each day, and crosser, which is a good sign.

When the pleasant evening meal was over and all the family sat around the cozy fire, papa said: "I think I know how to make Topsy come, if she is in the house." "Oh, how?" cried Alice. Papa said nothing but he puckered up his lips and began to whistle in loud, shrill tones. At the first note something stirred on top of the china closet. Then there was a short, protesting meow.

It was like that, this absorbed contriving and fitting of furniture into corners. She also flushed and laughed. Her eyes were so brightly eager and her cheeks so pink that she looked quite girlish under her lace cap. "How pretty and cozy it might be made, how dear!" she exclaimed. "And one would be so high up on the eleventh floor, that one would feel like a bird in a nest." His face lighted.

Jane Allen, do you realize this is a cold, bleak, dreary night, and you are tempting ghosts to parade in- -bathing suits or nighties?" "It is cold; take an end of my scarf and hurry in. May a kind thought prompt us how to elude the wary Fairlie. Take care you don't seem sociable when she taps. It would be fatal if she should enter for a 'cozy little chat. She has done it, you know."

The rain, drip, dripping on a cottage-roof: on branches, too, near at hand, that rustled and struck now and then against the little window-shutters, in a fashion just dreary enough to make one nestle closer into the warm bed, and peep out into the shadowy chamber, with the cozy little fire burning hotly in the grate.

Had the silent plainsman ever told a complete and full story of his adventures? I doubted it. He was not the man to eulogize himself. A short silence ensued. The cabin was snug and warm; the ruddy embers glowed; one of Jim's pots steamed musically and fragrantly. The hounds lay curled in the cozy chimney corner.

Two Indian flatsleds or toboggans, which were standing on end against the tilt, were put into repair by Skipper Zeb and made ready for the journey on the morrow, and before dark all preparations for an early departure were completed. It was snug and cozy now in the tilt, with the fire in the little tent stove cracking and snapping.

I suppose, like every soldier, you wanted one, provided it didn't cost too much." "Oh, yes. And I got mine rather cheap. The battalion surgeon fixed it so I didn't have to go to the hospital. Never missed a day of duty." She handed him his plate with the steak cut into bits. "It was nice of you to surrender your cozy seat to me this morning, Sergeant."

"'Tis cozy enough," said my father, chucking my mother under the chin, "even for a maid a man might cotch up Boston way!" Presently came Skipper Tommy Lovejoy by rollicking dog-team from the Lodge to inquire after my mother's health to cheer us, it may be, I'm thinking, with his hearty way, his vast hope, his odd fancies, his ruddy, twinkling face.