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She kissed her father twice, as if the second kiss was meant for her happier sister, and, raising her arms towards the sky he pointed to, whispered, "Freedom!" and died upon his breast. Owen Daw brought the news of the repulse from Cowgill House and the wounding of Captain Van Dorn. "Where is the little tacker, Levin?" asked Patty Cannon, furiously.

After a two weeks convalescence, he returned to New Berne, where Surgeon Rice and Surgeon Cowgill, who had been in charge since his sickness, lay also attacked by the fever. He took charge again and so continued until his appointment to a different office.

He twisted, by main strength, a panel out of the palings near the house, and led the way to the great front door. A dozen desperate hands seized the heavy panel and ran with it. The door flew open, but at that moment every light in Cowgill House went out. "Dar's ghosts in dar," the hoarse voice of Derrick Molleston was heard to say, and the negro element stopped and shrank. "Tindel, your torch!"

Built by a tyrannical, eccentric man at the beginning of the century, it had passed through several families until a Quaker named Cowgill, who afterwards became a Methodist, and who held no slaves and was kind to black people, made it his property, and superintended a tannery and mill within sight of it.

Custis exclaimed; "the jail burned, the lightning appalling, and I thought I heard firearms, too." Judge Custis heard Clayton say, as he entered the room: "So ole Derrick Molleston, Aunt Braner, asked you about my dinner, did he? And it's Bill Greenley that burned the jail? Goy! And the black people licked the kidnappers at Cowgill House?"

He gives a big party, Aunt Braner tole me. A judge is dar from Prencess Anne, an' liquor a-plenty. See me! see me!" "The white people absolutely gone from Cowgill House?" "See me! It's nigh half a mile outen de town. Dar's forty tousand dollars, if dar's a cent, at dat festibal: gals more'n half white, men dat can read an' preach: de cream of Kent County. See me! see me!"

"Other gunpowder arms were there procured, and we barricaded Cowgill House so as to make it at once a decoy and a hornet's nest.

Van Dorn spoke, low and calm; "yes, Levin, any man worthy of your mother will do." "Captain, turn back with me! Is it too late?" "Too late these many years, young señor. I shall lead the war on Africa to-night again at Cowgill House." He rose and finished the wine. "Clark shall give you a horse, Levin. I present it to you.

At the little brick grocery of William Parke, just beyond the Cowgill House where I am told he sells ardent liquors to negroes contrary to law, and so takes the name among them of 'Kind Parke' I found several of our free Delaware negroes, I fear on no good errand.