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When it is heavy, rainy weather, they all come in, wet through; and at such times the vapours of the court are like those of a fungus-pit. A casual visitor might suppose this place to be a temple dedicated to the Genius of Seediness.

At this match all the court was present, and Laertes, by direction of the king, prepared a poisoned weapon.

In certain court records one may read of the celebrated suit for divorce which enlivened the winter of that year in the north country. It is enough to quote the ringing words of one Colonel Jenkins, who addressed the judge as follows: "Picture to yourself, sir, this venerable man, waking from his dream of happiness to be robbed of his trousers the very insignia of his manhood.

Before his appointment to the village school, he had acted for a time as the squire's secretary; but it had never been more than a temporary arrangement and it had come to a speedy end when Mrs. Fielding became mistress of the Court. Between her and her husband's protege, as she scornfully called him, there had always existed a very decided antipathy.

He was a studious, peace-loving, warm-hearted man, devoted to his family and his friends, fond of books and the society of the learned, and enjoying the cultivation of his garden with his own hands. He left, at his death, an only son, Albert, sixteen years of age. William, the eldest son of Leopold, had been brought up in the court of Vienna.

I ran to the spot, only to find the body of the murdered man lying on the ground. I stooped to see if I could be of any use to him, and immediately I was collared from behind by Lord Arthur himself. "You may imagine," said the man in the corner, "how keen was the excitement of that moment in court.

I cannot boast that I have been personally intimate with many distinguished people. I have never been to Court, and, consequently, I am, according to Shakspeare's clown, emphatically "damned."

For the master of the Court was a hospitable man, with many tastes and whims which he liked to indulge by having down from London the numerous friends whose fancies matched his own, and his wife was a little bit of a fine lady who had London friends too, as well as neighbors, whom she liked to entertain.

Under the gracious protection of Marcia, they passed in safety the thirteen years of a cruel tyranny; and when the empire was established in the house of Severus, they formed a domestic but more honorable connection with the new court.

So take the court dress and everything necessary for a gentleman. Thank heaven, I shall be rid of the tiresome wig for a few days." Removing the blonde wig he passed his hand through the black locks which appeared under it. "Hurry, Peter, order post-horses and pack our clothing; we must start in an hour."