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A little clearing artificial, I judge and the ships! Both of them!" "Stop the ship, Mr. Correy!" I snapped as I hurried to the instrument. "Dival, take those reports." I gestured towards the two attention signals that were glowing and softly humming and thrust my head into the shelter of the television instrument's big hood. Dival had made no mistake.

A highly decorative arrangement, it is true, but in what lay its interest for the criminal investigator? Correy was soon to show them. With a significant gesture toward the tapestry, he eagerly exclaimed: "You see that? I've run by it several times since the accident sent me flying all over the building at everybody's call.

Gryce trod slowly after, watching with the keenest interest to see whether, on reaching the top of the steps, this man upon whose testimony so much depended would turn toward the southern gallery where the girl had fallen, or toward the northern one, where Correy had found the bow. It looked as if he were going to the left, for his head turned that way as he cleared the final step.

Correy would not talk; nor would the Curator; and I dared not press either of them beyond a certain point, for equally with yourself, I felt it most undesirable to allow anyone to suspect the nature of my theory or whom it especially involved. "The Curator had nothing to hide on this or any other point connected with the tragedy. But it was different with Correy.

A man conscious of wrong and eager to escape would do it in less; and if, as possibly happened, he had to wait in the doorway of Room J till Correy and the boy had cleared the way for him by their joint run into the farther gallery, he would still have time to be well on his way to the lower floor before the cry went up which shut off all further egress.

But granting this delay, a man would have to move fast to go the full length of the court from the Curator's room even in the time which this small delay might afford him. But perhaps you cut this inextricable knot by locating Correy somewhere else than where he placed himself at the making of the chart." "No, I cut it in another way.

But when his eyes, once accustomed to the semi-darkness of the narrow space which Correy had thus opened out before him, saw not the door but what lay within its recess, he acknowledged to himself that he should have guessed and that a dozen years before, he certainly would have done so.

This was the couple whose queer actions he had noticed on the staircase. "I'll have a talk with them presently. Anyone in the rooms opposite?" "Yes, the Curator. He's in Room A, where there are a lot of engravings waiting to be hung. I guess he was pretty well up to his neck in business when that fellow Correy set up his shout.

But then any prick from Mr. Gryce went very deep with him. "Perhaps," he ventured, "you will give even less indulgence to what I have to add in way of further excuse." "I shall have to hear it first." "Correy is a sport, an incorrigible one; it is his only weakness.

In 1842 Professor Morse of America laid a cable in New York harbour, and another across the canal at Washington. He also suggested the possibility of laying a cable across the Atlantic Ocean. In 1846 Colonel Colt, of revolver notoriety, and Mr Robinson, laid a wire from New York to Brooklyn, and from Long Island to Correy Island. In 1849 "