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Without attempting to refute this absurd doctrine of corpuscles, I shall only observe that this young Frenchman is completely smitten, and declares that no woman in the world can be compared to the widow. This circumstance reminds me of a still more remarkable effect, ascribed to a similar cause, experienced by Henry III of France.

Again, the silkworm industry, not only in France, but in other countries, was some years back threatened with an enemy as ruthless as the phylloxera. The silkworm-rearers are now taught to breed from healthy moths only. Girls and women are employed in examining the bodies of the moths with microscopes. If the diseased corpuscles are found, the eggs are discarded.

The best scientific authorities now use the word "Cathode" in place of "Negative," the word Cathode coming from the Greek root meaning "descent; the path of generation, etc," From the Cathode pole emerge the swarm of electrons or corpuscles; from the same pole emerge those wonderful "rays" which have revolutionized scientific conceptions during the past decade.

A somnolent city covered their fertile acres, catching but a whiff at angels' intervals of the metropolis of nerves and pulse and feverish corpuscles across the bay. Lawns sloped to the lake. At the head of the lawns were large imposing mansions, the homes of the aristocracy of the city, all owned by Dr. Webster, and leased at high rental to a favored few.

Borne in countless numbers in its ever-ebbing and returning streams are little disks, flattened, bi-concave, not larger in man than one-three-thousandth of an inch in diameter, called red corpuscles, whose part it is to carry from the lungs to the tissues pure oxygen, without which the fire called life cannot be sustained, and back from the tissues to the lungs carbonic acid, one of the products of that fire; and larger, yet marvelously small, bodies called leucocytes or white corpuscles, whose precise origin and use to this day, in spite of all the labor that has been spent upon their study, remain unknown.

On this we pour'd fair Water, which it did not Colour Green or Blew, but only seem'd to make a muddy mixture with it, then stopping the Vial wherein the Ingredients were put, we let it stand in a quiet place for some dayes, and after many hours the water having dissolv'd a good part of the imperfectly calcin'd Body, the Vitriolate Corpuscles swiming to and fro in the Liquor, had time by their opportune Occursions to constitute many little Masses of Vitriol, which gave the water they impregnated a fair Vitriolate Colour; and this Liquor being pour'd off, the remaining dirty Powder did in process of time communicate the like Colour, but not so deep, to a second parcel of cleer Water that we pour'd on it.

*The Temperature Sensation.*—Temperature sensations, like those of touch, are limited almost entirely to the skin. They are of two kinds, and are designated as heat sensations and as cold sensations. Whether the sense organs for temperature are different from those of touch is not known. It is known, however, that the same corpuscles do not respond alike to heat, cold, and pressure.

Haggerty, with the deadly affability of a Macaire, "I beg of you, Mr. Comstalk, I beg of you not to move or to become unduly excited. Physicians tell us that excitement wastes the red corpuscles, that is to say, the life of the blood." "Your blood, sir, must be very thin," I returned coolly. But I cursed him soundly in my mind.

You see, I've never thought of her in that way. I suppose I don't think of women at all in that way," he went on, with a certain splendid mendacity. "It's a case of cog-wheels instead of corpuscles. I'm just a heathen bit of machinery, with my head full of diagrams." "You're a tender-hearted baby," said Zora. "Give me those bits of dog."

And you'l easily believe, that in many changes of Colour, that happen upon the Dissolutions of Metalls, and Precipitations made with Oyl of Tartar, and the like Fix'd Salts, there may Intervene a Coalition of Saline Corpuscles with the Particles of the Body Dissolv'd or Precipitated, if you examine how much the Vitriol of a Metall may be Heavier than the Metalline part of it alone, upon the Score of the Saline parts Concoagulated therewith, and, that in Several Precipitations the weight of the Calx does for the same Reason much exceed that of the Metall, when it was first put in to be Dissolv'd.