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The naval young gentleman and Valentine Corliss were the greatest of all the lions among ladies that night; she had easily annexed the lieutenant, and Corliss was hers already; though, for a purpose, she had not yet been seen in company with him. He was visibly "making an impression."

In his most characteristic development the American hotel clerk is an urbane living encyclopædia, as passionless as the gods, as unbiassed as the multiplication table, and as tireless as a Corliss engine. Traveller's tales as to the system of "tipping" in American hotels differ widely.

He's sick and it won't do to trouble him; but honest, Corliss if you don't slack off in that neighbourhood a little, I'll have to have a talk with the young lady herself." A derisory light showed faintly in the younger man's eyes as he inquired, softly: "That all, Mr. Pryor?" "No. Don't try anything on out here. Not in any of your lines." "I don't mean to." "That's right.

"She is not young," said the venerable housekeeper, "and I thought, if you only would " "Your opinion was not called for, Mrs. Corliss," returned the heiress, pointing toward the door haughtily. "I beg your pardon," the housekeeper made answer, "but the poor creature begged so hard to see you I did feel a little sorry for her." "This does not interest me, Mrs.

Then big Alec Beaubien, the Circle City king, demanded the "Marseillaise," and the company broke up chanting "Die Wacht am Rhein" to the frosty night. "Don't come on these nights," Frona whispered to Corliss at parting. "We haven't spoken three words, and I know we shall be good friends. Did Dave Harney succeed in getting any sugar out of you?"

Corliss made a gesture of apology. "So you're homesteading the water-hole? Jack wrote to me about it. He didn't say anything about your getting married." "Kind of like his not sayin' anything about your gettin' hitched up, eh? He said he was hearin' from you, but nothin' about Misses Corliss. Please to expect my congratulations, ma'am and you, too, Billy." "Thank you!" said Mrs. Corliss, smiling.

And Corliss laid his hand on Shoop's arm. "Don't take after him. That's the way to stampede him. We go easy till it's light. He'll see us." They sauntered up the street and stopped opposite an "all-night" eating-house. "We won't advertise the Concho, this trip," said Corliss, as they entered. Shoop, with his legs curled around the counter stool, sipped his coffee and soliloquized. "Wise old head!

"He's hurt, but not bad. We want the bed." Sundown got to his feet and sidled past the girl as she helped her father to the bed. "I sent for the doctor," said Corliss. The girl whirled and faced him. "You!" she exclaimed "You!" The rancher's shoulders straightened. "Yes and it was my gun got him. You might as well know all there is to it."

Fadeaway nodded to the puncher who had spoken. "And ole man Loring's just run in twenty thousand head from New Mex.," continued the puncher. "Wonder how Corliss likes that?" "Don' know and dam' 'f I care. If a guy can't have a little sport without gettin' fired for it, why, that guy don't work for the Concho.

"'Bout seventy-three miles, but there's nothin' doin' there. Worse'n this." "Looks like me for a job, or the next rattler goin' west. Any chanct for a cook here?" "Nope. All Mexican cooks. But say, I reckon you might tie up over to the Concho. Hearn tell that Jack Corliss wants a cook. Seems his ole stand-by Hi Wingle's gone to Phoenix on law business. Jack's a good boss to tie to.