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Its in the country but I wont tell you where deerie or you mite try to see me and I dont think I cood stand it the way I feel now. But I love you just as much. Good-by. Yure affecshunate Sadie." Win was overwhelmed. Lately she had seen little of her friend. Neither girl had much time, and the weather had drunk all their energy. She ought to have guessed from Sadie's thinness that she was ill.

Dere Miss vilder and sermanthy. i herd you say i cood not stay here enny longer and other peeple sed nobuddy wood have me and what you sed about the home but as i do not like homes i am going to run away if its all the same to you. Please give Jabe back his birds egs with my love and i am sorry i broak the humming-bird's one but it was a naxident.

Aug. 2. big thunder shower last nite. we all got up and lit lamps and set round in our nite sherts. we lit all the lamps we cood find so we coodent see the litening. father kept telling funny stories, but mother and Aunt Sarah was scart and told him he hadent aught to joke when enny minit he mite be struck by litening. father he said he dident beleave the litening wood strike him enny quicker for not being scart of it then it wood if he gumped and holered o lord every time it litened. well after a while it only litened way of and we went to bed.

At last he felt he cood endoor it no longer, without ingoory to his helth. He put his hed out of his strong hold and sed to the amazed offisser, "I think the draft will doo me good I mean the draft of are." "You air in favor of the Proclamashun!" red the offisser. "Yis, and of ventilation." The young man was not drafted, but he is still single single-ar to say.

Bill he come out and run round the side of the house and then he run up street and looked behind trees and fences and swoar terible. me and Beany near dide. he was so mad that he staid up til nearly 10 oh clock waching. we cood see him peeking out of the window and we dident dass to go home til after 10 oh clock and i got licked for being late. if Nipper had only come home when he had aught to Bill wood have cougt him and licked him and we wood have got home all rite. we will pay Nip for this.

The band played in the band room to-nite. it was warm enuf to have the windows open and we cood hear it. i sat out in the school yard til 10 oclock to hear it and father came out and walked me home. Beany was mad becaus i cared more for the band than for getting rid of the warts.

Tomtit says he has got beter things than we have and he got all the fellers to go up there. Tomtit was mad becaus we woodent take sheet iron for pay. you cant get ennything for sheet iron down to old Getchels and if we took it for pay enny feller cood go out and pick up a old stove pipe and buy out your store. Mar. 18. brite and fair. no i mean it is clowdy.

"Now sur, i must cloas, not becaws my papers dun, no nor yet my idees, but becaws a nods as good as a wink yoo no the rest. Wot ive said is troo as gospl it's of no use tryn to find owt hoo i am, caws whi yoo kant, and if yoo cood it wood doo yoo no good. "Yoors to comand, "The riter."

"Tonald," said Dougall, sitting down and lighting his pipe after we were gone, "I wass vera near givin' Muster Lumley a cood threshin'." "Hum! it's well ye didn't try, Shames." "An' what for no?" "Because he's more nor a match for ye." "I don't know that Tonald. I'm as stout a man as he is, whatever." "Oo ay, so ye are, Shames; but ye're no a match for him.

Beany got sent out of sunday school for raising time. after he went out he clim up to the window and made up feerful faces at us. mister Erl the suprintendunt was jest going to make a prayer and see us laffin and see Beany before Beany cood gump down and he grabed his cane and run out of the sunday school and chased Beany down to Gim Elersons. Beany cant come agen. i wish i was Beany.