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This class of reasoners was quite small, however, and mainly consisted of those who had rarely been off of Oyster Pond, and who passed their days with "Gar'ner's Island" directly before their eyes.

But presently Cecilia stood too far on one tack, and returning to the centre of the channel, found herself headed by seamanship. He waved an ironical salute with his sou'wester. Her retort consisted in bringing her vessel to the wind, and sending a boat for him.

I may here mention however that the extremity of Dunlop's range which, by approaching the river, there occupied the place of the hard gravel in other situations, seemed to be composed of the same rock of which much of that gravel consisted.

As she worked she talked incessantly in excellent guttural English; her talk consisted of a series of personal and impertinent questions her curiosity was of the mean and hungry class, and to every reply, satisfactory or otherwise, she invariably ejaculated, "Ach so!"

But society in Virginia was very different from society in New England. The wealth of Virginia consisted chiefly of tobacco, which was raised by negro slaves. People lived far apart from each other on great plantations, usually situated near the navigable streams of which that country has so many.

For that particular effort Nick's talent had taken an inspired flight. So much Peter thought, as he had thought it intensely before; but the words he presently uttered had no visible connexion with it. They only consisted of the abrupt inquiry; "Have you heard anything from Julia?" "Not a syllable. Have you?" "Dear no; she never writes to me." "But won't she on the occasion of your promotion?"

Providing themselves with food, and with small change of money for the journey two things indispensable to Russian travel John Yeardley and William Rasche left Moscow on the 23rd, by malle-poste for Orel. They stopped some hours at Toula: the land south of this town they found to be well-cultivated, and the harvest had begun; it consisted mostly of rye.

No created intelligence of earth or heaven dared to step forward and declare himself able to accomplish the result required, and because of this John wept much. The form of books in use when the Revelation was given was unlike those used now. They consisted of strips of parchment or other material, longer or shorter, rolled up.

One consisted of a single first-class compartment in the centre, with a bulge of an imposing appearance, supported on either side by two seconds.

On getting up to it we found the bridge for so it might be called consisted of a long rope made of hides, the ends secured by stakes driven into the earth; to this a sort of basket was suspended, with two smaller ropes fastened to it the one reaching to the side we were on, the other to the opposite bank, where a man apparently the guardian of the so-called bridge was seated on a log smoking.