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"Trust her not hastily, Mara," answered her mother; "she has deceived a multitude!" "But you will open to her the mirror of the Law of Liberty, mother, that she may go into it, and abide in it! She consents to open her hand and restore: will not the great Father restore her to inheritance with His other children?" "I do not know Him!" murmured Lilith, in a voice of fear and doubt.

Why are you so pale? I believe you are ill?" "Yes she consents. We shall take the child." "Orsino? You are certainly out of your mind. It is bad enough to take a delicate woman " "Corona is far from delicate. She is very strong and able to bear anything" "Don't interrupt me. I tell you she is a woman, and so of course she must be delicate. Can you not understand common sense?

"There is no other unless unless my grandfather consents to acknowledge those checks, and declares that the alterations were made with his knowledge. But that he will not do because he knows who did it and he is merciless. I don't care a snap of my finger for the world. You are my world, Dora. If you approve, then I am game.

I knew, if I could persuade you to let me use your name as well as ours, and say that you will not permit your children to continue at her school unless she consents to our wishes, she, knowing the influence you possess, would, I am sure, accede to our demands immediately." "Oh, you are perfectly at liberty to use my name, Mrs. Stevens, and say all that you think necessary to effect your object.

I am not much longer for this earth, and can ill spare you: and Mr. Allen kindly consents to prepare you for Oxford." "Mr. Allen consents to that, sir?" I gasped. I think, could I have laid hands on the rector then, I would have thrashed him, cloth and all, within an inch of his life. And as if to crown my misery Mr.

Fairleigh and the gentlemen were going to enjoy the music, and Valeria is to remain home; but I very much fear this she will not do. Now, David, go and ask her to accompany you urge her; tell her how much good her influence might exert, and so on. If she consents, I have not another word to say about your loving, wooing and marrying her, if you can. Should she not consent, then ask Miss Bland.

"Your tears, madame," he said; "they do not move me in the least, neither can you seek to excuse your credulity by the examples of my sisters and my uncle. A wife knows her husband more intimately than his other relations, as you prove by your present action, and if she is deceived it is because she consents to the deception.

Undine, a beautiful water-spirit, wins the heart of a noble knight, and consents to be his bride. We have seen it was only through the union with a being of mortal mould that the spirits of air and water could obtain the gift of a soul.

As for the Prince de Conde, he consents to everything, provided I am thrown into the sea; perhaps that is the wedding present he gives me in return for the pretty wife I gave him! All this is a serious matter, monsieur. You talk of horoscopes! I know of the prediction which gives the throne of the Valois to the Bourbons, and if we do not take care it will be fulfilled.

I hope that if Hulsen consents, his invitation will find you in a good and favourable mood. I know how great this new sacrifice is which I expect of you and how difficult you will find it to make but your friendship makes me venture upon anything Hulsen, who probably will not write to me himself, is to answer me through you; and you also must tell me that you do it willingly for my sake.