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Slick; and if it was, I reckon neighbor Steel's wife would have it, for she gives me no peace about it. Mrs. Flint said, that Mr. Steele had enough to do, poor man, to pay his interest, without buying clocks for his wife. It's no concarn of mine, said Mr.

An inn, to be a good concarn, must be built a purpose, you can no more make a good tavern out of a common dwelling house, I expect, than a good coat out of an old pair of trowsers. They are etarnal lazy, you may depend now there might be a grand spec made there, in building a good Inn and a good Church. What a sacrilegious and unnatural union, said I, with most unaffected surprise.

Jist come to say good bye, Mrs. Flint. What, have you sold all your clocks? yes, and very low, too, for money is scarce, and I wished to close the concarn; no, I am wrong in saying all, for I have just one left. Neighbor Steel's wife asked to have the refusal of it, but I guess I won't sell it; I had but two of them, this one and the feller of it, that I sold Governor Lincoln.

Mashing he up to me, and says he, `Would you like a shillin', my boy? says he. `You're 'avin' a lark with me, says I. `No, I ain't, says 'e, 'oldin' it out. `What do yer want? says I. `You know Smith? says 'Orksbury. `That ain't no concarn of yourn, says I. `You ain't got no concarn with my governor, says I. `Oh, then you don't want the shillin'? says he. `No, I don't, says I, seein' they was up to games. `What do you mean by it? says Mashing, a-pullin' my ear.

Three had stood all the way from Salonika, as during an unfortunate moment of interest in the view their seats had been appropriated by a fat Serbian officer, his wife and daughter. The fourth, a porter from Folkestone, had settled down on the floor, saying "he wasn't going to concarn himself with no voos."

How did that island come there so sudden like? In course, it must ha' come up from the bottom o' the sea. And as we was a-lookin' at it we saw it grow, mateys long spits o' land shootin' out this side, that side, and t'other side and the whole concarn begins to move towards us, comin' on, hand over hand, slow, dead slow, but sure and steady.