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However, James had pluck, and he was ready to try the experiment. He would have been glad to secure a school so far away that he could go there as a stranger, and be received as a young man. But no such opportunity offered. There was another opening nearer home. A teacher was wanted for the Ledge Hill district in Orange, and the committee-man bethought himself of James Garfield.

And it's big money, don't you git no wrong idea about that!" "Vote a Republican," said Toby politely. A look of pain appeared upon the brow of the committee-man. "I reckon I ain't hardly made myself clear," he observed, somewhat plaintively. "Now here, you listen: I reckon it would be kind of resky to trust you boys to scratch the ticket it's a mixed up business, anyway "

Choose between the two, an Egerton or a Leslie." "Egerton forever!" cried all the assembly, as with a single voice, followed by a hiss for Leslie. "But," said a grave and prudent Committee-man, "have we really the choice? Does not that rest with the Yellows? Is not your Lordship too sanguine?" "Open that door behind; a deputation from our opponents waits in the room on the other side the passage.

Choose between the two, an Egerton or a Leslie." "Egerton forever!" cried all the assembly, as with a single voice, followed by a hiss for Leslie. "But," said a grave and prudent Committee-man, "have we really the choice? Does not that rest with the Yellows? Is not your Lordship too sanguine?" "Open that door behind; a deputation from our opponents waits in the room on the other side the passage.

I don't like it a bit." "Has your candidate seen this?" Courtier asked. "Can't have," struck in the third Committee-man; "we hadn't seen it ourselves until an hour ago." "I should never have permitted it," said the man with the refined face; "I blame the editor greatly." "Come to that " said the little-eyed man, "it's a plain piece of news. If it makes a stir, that's not our fault.

"No, by !" cried the committee-man harshly, bringing his dirty fist down on the other's knee. "Did you ever hear of Frank Pixley weakenin'? Did you ever see the man that said Frank Pixley wasn't game?" He rose to his feet, a ragged and sinister silhouette against the sputtering electric light at the alley mouth.

He censures in gross, and condemns all without examining particulars. If they will not confess and accuse themselves, he will rack them until they do. He is a committee-man in the commonwealth of letters, and as great a tyrant, so is not bound to proceed but by his own rules, which he will not endure to be disputed.

But I took second thought at sight of the clouds massing across the bay and coming up as it seemed to me against the wind. They spelt thunder. In spite of my early forebodings I had brought no mackintosh; my duties as a Committee-man were over: and I have reached an age when fireworks give me no more pleasure than I can cheerfully forgo or take for granted.

Any committee-man might be removed by the board of trade and plantations, now by a committee of council, after being heard in his own defence. The committee are forbid to export negroes from Africa, or to import any African goods into Great Britain.

It is a well-trussed title that contains both the number and the beast; for a committee-man is a noun of multitude, he must be spelled with figures, like Antichrist wrapped in a pair-royal of sixes. Thus the name is as monstrous as the man, a complex notion of the same lineage with accumulative treason.