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Forsooth, when he first came, he seemed to us, to me, and yet more to my Lady, to be as beautiful as an angel, and sorely she loved him; and he her, after his fashion: but he was light-minded, and cold-hearted, and in a while he must needs turn his eyes upon me, and offer me his love, which was but foul and unkind as it turned out; for when I nay-said him, as maybe I had not done save for fear of my Mistress, he had no pity upon me, but spared not to lead me into the trap of her wrath, and leave me without help, or a good word.

He got so far as to make a prayer with her, a cool, well-guarded prayer, which compromised his faith as little as possible, and which, if devotion were a game played against Providence, might have been considered a cautious and sagacious move. When he had gone, Elsie called Old Sophy to her. "Sophy," she said, "don't let them send that cold-hearted man to me any more.

His attitude towards such a person was that of an Inquisitor towards a fallen nun. Moreover, he could do this with a clear conscience, since he could truly say that he was qualified to throw the first stone, being of those who mistake personal aversion for personal virtue. Because his cold-hearted nature rejected it, he loathed this kind of human failing and felt good in the loathing.

Sophy is not so fortunate as to be a charming French woman, cold-hearted and vain, who would rather attract attention than give pleasure, who seeks amusement rather than delight.

You must know how miserably anxious I have been and still am about your father; you must know it is for his health we have come to this strange, dreary place, away from every one we care for, and you can talk in that cold-hearted, cold-blooded way about dying and not getting better and and Mrs. Vane's voice trembled and quivered. She seemed almost as if she were going to cry.

Is the tenderest and most fervid affection that can animate the human breast to be made a matter of cold-hearted ridicule?" My sister colored. "Certainly not, brother! nor did I mean to make it so, or to say anything that should wound your feelings.

In their dreams they often saw her in suffering and nigh unto death, and when they would stretch forth their hands to save her, she would be snatched out of their sight. Still they mentioned not her name; and the world thought the cold-hearted, unnatural parents had even forgotten their child. But what had they now to live for?

You have no idea of how mean and stingy a man can be until you try to sell him old bottles. And the cold-hearted way in which he will throw back ink-bottles that you worked so hard to clean, and the ones that have reading blown into the glass Oh, it's enough to set you against business transactions all your life long.

Callous and cold-hearted indeed must be the man who can witness with indifference a scene such as that at which the two seamen now gazed the proud ship, which but the day before had left the shore in such gallant trim, now shattered and crippled, struggling on amid the giant seas which were about, in a few short moments, to hurl her to destruction.

I have," she continued, "seven sons who are now, or have been, bearing arms indeed, my seventh son, Zaccheus, who is only fifteen years old, I yesterday assisted to get ready to go and join his brothers in Sumter's army. "Ah General," interrupted the cold-hearted Tarleton, "I think you've got into a hornet's nest!