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Round these blocks of granite the soil is considerably better, and there is a coating of grass upon it, as far as the ground consists of the decomposed rock.

Some rested in the shade of trees, pulling off the low branches and the palm nuts. Others rolled in the mud, to make a sort of coating over their skins, to keep off the flies. Others went to the top of the hill to slide down, and Keedah went with them. "Oh, mother! I wish I could slide!" said Umboo, when he saw what fun the other elephants were having.

The whole has a kind of splendid shabbiness thrown over it, like a slight coating of rust; the furniture, at least the damask chairs, being a good deal worn, though there are marble and mosaic tables, which may serve to adorn another palace when this one crumbles away with age.

Besides much undigested matama and grass there were found twenty-five short, thick, white worms, sticking like leeches into the coating of the stomach, while the intestines were almost alive with the numbers of long white worms. I was satisfied that neither man nor beast could long exist with such a mass of corrupting life within him.

Starch may be added to any of the dry mixtures. Use. Coat over the iodine to a deep yellow, then over this quick to a red color, recoat about one sixth of the time of first coating. I will here again remark, that the exact color of the coating is not essentially provided a proper proportion is preserved.

If allowed to stand long with the coating on, it assumes a very dark tint as the operation of the light continues, though less active than while exposed in the camera, and destroys that brightness which would otherwise have been obtained.

And he continued his way, his countenance brightened by a pleasant anticipation of a cheerful affray round an easel in the gloaming, and the shedding of much green paint. But to Person and Wainwright Mr Watkins was less aggressive, and explained that the green was intended to be the first coating of his picture.

It is now necessary for us to take up the phenomena of soils in a consecutive manner. The study of any considerable river basin enables us to trace the more important steps which lead to the destructure and renovation of the earth's detrital coating.

There were pages describing how she looked in the mirror "studying with a fearful interest the little hard lines and markings there beneath their light coating of powder, fingered and smoothed the slight looseness and fullness of the skin below her chin," and how she saw herself going down the years, "powdering a little more, painting a little more, touching up her hair till it was all artifice, holding on by every little device...."

The zinc will slowly wear off, keeping the whole surface clean, while there will be left enough coating of the lead to preserve the iron from rust. The oil I would urge for these pigments is linseed as little boiled as possible, to be thinned with spirits of turpentine.