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In an alley round one corner an organ man was playing "Ta-ra-ra-boom-de-ay," and some of the girls began to dance and sing around him. Coming to the main artery of traffic, they were almost run down by a splendid equipage which was cutting across two thoroughfares into a square, and they screamed with mock terror as the fat coachman in tippet and cockade bellowed to them to get out of the way.

The coachman, however, observing this operation, brought it to a rather hasty conclusion by a well directed cut of the whip across the fingers of the daring young artist.

After driving through long streets, brilliant with shops of endless marvel, the coachman pulled up for the last time. It was a dull drizzly evening, with sudden windy gusts, and, in itself, dark as pitch. But Alec descended, cold and wet, in a brilliant light which flowed from the door of the hotel as if it had been the very essence of its structure.

No; don't you leave your house to-morrow to see anybody unless it be Mr. Daubeny or her Majesty. I'll come to you at two, and if her Grace will give me luncheon, I'll lunch with her. Good night, and don't think too much of the bigness of the thing. I remember dear old Lord Brock telling me how much more difficult it was to find a good coachman than a good Secretary of State."

He pressed it hard, and calling to the coachman, "36, Avenue du Midi," stood on the pavement bareheaded, looking singularly pale and grave in the starlight, as the carriage rolled swiftly away, and the door of the Hotel Mars closed. Within a very short time I became a temporary resident in the house of Heliobas, and felt myself to be perfectly at home there.

It was dark when we touched the earth after two hours' driving, and leaving the coachman to care for the horses, we went with the chief, each of us carrying a siphon of seltzer or a bottle of champagne or claret. Our way was through an old and dark cocoanut grove, a bare trail, winding among the trees, and ending at the beach. Polonsky had had built a pavilion for the revel.

And now one tired old woman walked there, with names on her lips that she never uttered. A friendly riot of fox terriers and spaniels greeted the carriage, leaping and rolling and yelping in an exuberance of sociability, as though horses and coachman and groom were comrades who had been absent for long months instead of half an hour.

Drive on, coachman," said the man; and he drew in his head with a grim smile, and something like a sneer on his thick lips that made Stafford's eyes flash. Stafford and Ida remained, unconscious of the rain, looking after the carriage for a moment or two. The sneer on the man's heavy yet acutely sharp face, still incensed Stafford.

His Son comes in, as he is by himself, goes to murder him, and he vanishes again. He returns to our Sight, digging in his Garden, and hiding Money, for Soldiers appear in the neighbouring Village: He has scarce buried it, when they rifle his House; this makes us lose him again for a little Space. His Coachman comes to him, tells him his Son is kill'd; he answers,

He went round to the coach office, at my request, and took the box-seat for me on the mail. In the evening I started, by that conveyance, down the road I had traversed under so many vicissitudes. 'Don't you think that, I asked the coachman, in the first stage out of London, 'a very remarkable sky? I don't remember to have seen one like it. 'Nor I not equal to it, he replied. 'That's wind, sir.