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If the idiot had not blown his brains out, it would have been nothing. You could have paid him back, and he might now have had both his money and his brains." "Got wind!" cried he, clutching me by the breast of the coat with the fury of a highwayman or a spasmodic actor. "Did the villain Ruggieri tell you?" "No."

Hinpoha exclaimed in dismay when the small cannon was brought out and aimed at the ship. "They're going to shoot the passengers!" she cried, clutching the Captain by the arm. "No, they aren't," the Captain assured her hastily. "They're going to shoot the line out to the ship. That's the way they rig up the breeches-buoy. Now you watch. I'm going to see if I can help.

He swung quickly around toward her, and scraped his feet over the floor below her skirts. Then came a quick, furious snapping, like the noise of a miniature fusillade. A score of the matches had been ignited by Nick's swift move. Almost instantly a shriek of terror broke from Cervera's lips, and she reeled back, clutching wildly at her skirts. "My God!

'Twixt earth and window, with dangling legs and clutching arms, in muscle-racking pain he hung. Truly a step, and then another step. And then a very tornado of sound beat furiously upon the trembling night; with it a flash; from it the pattering of a hundred bullets. Someone had discharged a gun. As Satan was hurled, so, plumb out of the gates of Paradise, Bill fell.

He sank to the rock floor, clutching with his big hands at the gravel, while Laramie running to him turned him over, snatched his revolver from its holster and throwing it out of reach, lifted his enemy's head. When Kate, in an agony of suspense, made her way to the creek bed she found Laramie scooping water up in his hands for Stone. She could not go near the wounded man.

Curs'd was the deed, even before the sweat of the clutching hand grew dry; And darkness frown'd upon the seller of the like of God, Where, as though earth lifted her breast to throw him from her, and heaven refused him, He hung in the air, self-slaughter'd.

There was neither stir nor sound, save for the ripple of the tide, and overhead the eternal chirp of the sparrows, careless that history was being made about them. All was still, all deserted. As he looked, the lad's mind flamed to a thought. "I say!" he whispered, clutching the Parson's arm. "What about the lugger?" "Well! what about the lugger?" "Rush her now! Here's our chance!"

Out from the corridor the Greek came staggering, and Max now perceived that he was bleeding profusely from a wound in the breast. "She came back," whispered Gianapolis, clutching at the Frenchman for support... "the hellcat!... I did not know... that... Miss Cumberly was here. As God is my witness I did not know! But I followed... HER Mahara... thank God I did!

Putting all his strength into one hand, Landless felt with the other for his knife. The movement brought his face forward into the shaft of moonlight that trembled through the opening. "You!" said the eyes of the mulatto, and his clutching hands tore at the hand about his throat. The hand pressed closer, and with the other Landless struck the knife into the yellow bosom.

Quite properly, no one reads Buckle now, and I cannot gainsay what John Morley said of Macaulay: "Macaulay seeks truth, not as she should be sought, devoutly, tentatively, with the air of one touching the hem of a sacred garment, but clutching her by the hair of the head and dragging her after him in a kind of boisterous triumph, a prisoner of war and not a goddess."