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Wombo catch him PHO PHO. Plenty quick husband belonging to me TUMBLE DOWN. And Oola wailed anew. 'Where's Wombo now? Bridget asked. Pollis-man close-up black's camp. That feller Harris catch 'im Wombo fetch um long-a Tunumburra gaol. Mine think it stop to-night Moongarr. Close-up station now. Lady Bridget at once saw through the affair.

She thought she had never seen a man eat so much, it was like stoking an engine. Holliday, on the contrary, had little appetite for the excellent meal and seemed strung up with a kind of nervous excitement. Afterwards this scene recurred to her more than once, showing to her imagination like a close-up on the screen. In the light of subsequent happenings it held for her a curious fascination.

Gussie popped along, flapping the telegram and looking like a close-up of Joan Crawford, and I turned to Jeeves and gave him a précis of my operations. "Simple, you observe, Jeeves. Nothing elaborate." "No, sir." "Nothing far-fetched. Nothing strained or bizarre. Just Nature's remedy." "Yes, sir." "This is the attack as it should have been delivered.

The clouds had shut down over the peaks, leveling their tops to timberline. All day I had carried the heavy camera with a supply of glass plates. Besides I carried my six-shooter, with belt and cartridges, buckled around my waist. Several times I saw grouse and fired at them, but not once did I get a close-up shot.

The scene in which the actor embraced Consuello and gazed fervently heavenward was far more impressive than it had been when it was enacted and the "close-up" of his features, over her shoulder, John decided was really an excellent bit of facial expression. When the pre-view was completed and the lights were flashed on again in the small room, Consuello came directly to him.

Someone turned on a TV scanner and picked up the image of a small ship hardly larger than a patrol ship, with just two passengers stepping down the ladder to the ground. Then the camera went close-up. Dal saw the faces of the two men, and his heart sank. One was a Four-star Surgeon, resplendent in flowing red cape and glistening silver insignia.

The advantage of the Polaroid camera is that the picture can be seen within seconds. Scotty quickly went through the simple routine, and within a quarter of a minute the boys were looking at the photo. It was an excellent close-up, but a trifle dark. Scotty opened the iris on the camera another stop and Rick rechecked the alignment. Scotty snapped the picture and processed it.

When Andy lifted him and found him actually limp in his arms, the anxiety which a "close-up" revealed in his face was not all art. However, he did not say anything until Luck's voracious scene-appetite had been at least partially satisfied.

Those three at the end are, respectively, what he absolutely had to get for it, what he thought was a reasonable price, and the most he thought the traffic would stand. He sold it in 1942 for his middle price." There was another flash by the door, then Kavaalen called out: "Hey, Mick; we got two of the stiffs, now. All right if we pull out the bayonet for a close-up of his chest?" "Sure.

Whereupon Hawkinson, who is no respecter of persons when the business of getting pictures is concerned, set up his camera within six feet of one of the cages and proceeded to take a "close-up" of the indignant but helpless occupant, who, unable to escape or even turn away, could only assume an indifference which she was evidently far from feeling.