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People told you not to forget to take care of your garden, and so you often watered the place where the seeds lay hidden, and at last you saw something very tiny, but fresh and green and full of life, where only the dark brown earth had been the day before. You clapped your hands for pleasure, and ran to tell everybody: "My sweet peas are coming up!"

Considering that she had at the beginning of the conversation apparently agreed with all that had been said, and, moreover, had often, in speaking to Hephzy and me, referred to the "States" as an uncivilized country, this declaration was astonishing. I was astonished for one. Hephzy clapped her hands. "Of course they aren't," she declared. "Hosy Mr. Knowles didn't mean that they were, either."

While gazing on this gigantic spectre with wonder mixed with an irrepressible feeling of awe and apprehension, a sudden gust of wind nearly carried off his own hat, and he clapped his hand to his head to detain it, when to his great delight the colossal spectre did the same.

"I thought they had a way of overcoming scruple's of that sort." "They could na owercome mine," said Sandy. "They jest clapped him in the bilboes and kept him there for one while," interjected Tom. "For me, I'd rather pick all day at the tarred rope though it was hard on the fingers." "Did they use you well otherwise?" asked Kate with commiseration in her voice.

And as he obediently bent his head near hers, she inclined toward him as if to whisper; then, in a half-shout, she cried, He clapped his hands. "By George!" he said. "What a girl you are!" "Why?" "Well, for the first reason, because you have such gaieties as that one. I should think your father would actually like being ill, just to be in the house with you all the time."

It was several miles off, but I could distinctly see a small dark dot against the dull green and gray. "Come, sir, come!" cried Frankland, rushing upstairs. "You will see with your own eyes and judge for yourself." The telescope, a formidable instrument mounted upon a tripod, stood upon the flat leads of the house. Frankland clapped his eye to it and gave a cry of satisfaction. "Quick, Dr.

At this the very thought that any one should have to bind up their tresses there was a shock of disgust with some, while others clapped their hands, partly in envy and partly in glee. But the funniest things the mermaids heard of were gloves, and they laughed heartily over such things as covers for the fingers.

She was so young that she had never before been out there alone. Her father had brought her in his arms, and she had laughed with delight and clapped her little hands when the farmyard people passed by her. Now she had slipped out of the house and stood in the sunshine smiling at every one. She came without a cap, and the wind blew her soft yellow curls around her rosy face.

Ernol alone kept from shouting; he stood and took it, trembling like a leaf. But it lasted only a moment or two. The uproar ceased. Norbith stepped back into the room. "Well?" The slow smile again. "Want to tell now?" For answer the boy clapped his hand to his mouth and blew a shrill whistle. Norbith stared in astonishment. Then, all of a sudden, a tremendous thing happened.

Evidently it was the best piece of acting he had seen since he was born, and if he had been other than a savage, he must certainly have shouted "bravo!" perhaps "encore!" and clapped his hands. "Boh! he's a born idjit!" cried Quashy, turning away in disgust, but a new idea seemed to flash into his fertile brain.