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In Louisiana, to cite one case, there were 127,263 registered colored voters in 1896, and 5,354 in 1900. Between these two years the new state constitution had been passed.

Secondly, Mr. Longfellow's theory of translation leads him in most cases to choose words of Romanic origin in preference to those of Saxon descent, and in many cases to choose an unfamiliar instead of a familiar Romanic word, because the former happens to be etymologically identical with the word in the original. Let me cite as an example the opening of Canto III.:

During twenty-eight years of the reign of Louis VII. no heir to the crown was born. At length, on the 22nd of August, 1165, Adelaide of Champagne, his third wife, lay in child-bed and excited crowds thronged the palace in the Cité.

To cite a single instance, I shall take the case of the Samnites who, strange as it may now seem, were on the admission of Titus Livius himself, so powerful and so steadfast in arms, as to be able to withstand the Romans down to the consulship of Papirius Cursor, son to the first Papirius, a period of six and forty years, in spite of numerous defeats, the loss of many of their towns, and the great slaughter which overtook them everywhere throughout their country.

The importance of this portrait in the history of the Renaissance is discussed, postea, p. 113. ii. 19. This picture was transferred in 1857 from panel to canvas, but is otherwise in fine condition. Morelli, ii. 19, note. Crowe and Cavalcaselle: Titian, p. 425. Gazette des Beaux Arts, 1893, p. 135. It is customary to cite the Prague picture of 1525 as his work.

Read this," and Schmucke's imprudent friend held out the summons delivered in the Cite Bordin. Standing in the notary's gateway, Schmucke read the document, saw the imputations made against him, and, all ignorant as he was of the amenities of the law, the blow was deadly. The little grain of sand stopped his heart's beating.

The "right worshipful" the Mayor and the Aldermen wore rich state robes edged with fur. In addition, contemporary city records reflect the new spirit in such expressions as "the worshupful cite," "the said full honourabill cite," "this full nobill city." This spirit, however, developed more fully in the sixteenth century. It was his duty to administer the statute merchant.

Finally, he discovered certain simple relations of an extremely remarkable character between the movements of those bodies, which have been called the laws of Laplace. Posterity will not obliterate this designation; it will acknowledge the propriety of inscribing in the heavens the name of so great an astronomer beside that of Kepler. Let us cite two or three of the laws of Laplace:

One day messengers came to her in the old palace of the Cæsars on the south bank of the Seine from Childebert and Clothaire praying that their nephews might be entrusted to them. Believing they were to be trained in kingly offices that they might succeed their father in due time, Clotilde granted their prayer and two of the children were sent to them in the palace of the Cité.

As a proof of this statement I may cite the draining of the great Pinsk swamps, which was begun by the Government in 1872. Reclamation of marshes might be undertaken elsewhere on a much more moderate scale.