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"I came straight back here, you know, after Daisy left Simla. I suppose the contrast made it worse. Then, too, the sub was ill, and it meant double work. Well," with another sigh, "we pulled through somehow, and I suppose we shall again. But, Nick, Daisy couldn't possibly stand this place more than four months out of the twelve. And as for the kiddie " Nick removed his cigarette to yawn.

One gentleman, who was running a lathe of this kind, motioned for me to come up and sit by his side on a low stool. I accepted his invitation, and he at once offered me a cigarette, which I could not accept. A little later he called for a small cup of coffee, which I also declined, but he took no offense.

Every man has his bayonet fixed for the night. We give it a little extra polish. It may be needed soon. There is no outward show of nervousness. No man speaks to his neighbor of his immediate thoughts. We begin to smoke a little more rapidly, perhaps. We might have had a cigarette an hour during the heavy shelling of the day.

Frank, limping with as much dignity as possible, sat down in the chair. He got out his cigarette case and asked Priscilla not to start until he had lit his cigarette. "You don't object to the smell, I hope," he said politely. "Not a bit I'd smoke myself only I don't like it. I tried once Sylvia Courtney was shocked. That's rather the sort she is but it seemed to me to have a nasty taste.

"Not half so great to me as you would and you know it. I hope you will understand that I dislike extremely to speak of Miss Dwight at all. If you had not brought her name into it I never should have done so. But now I feel I must have a complete understanding with you at any cost." He dropped his cigarette on the table. He left his chair swiftly and snatched her from her own.

"What a pity it is we have no piano, Katharine," said John Westonhaugh, who was fond of music. "Could you not sing something without any accompaniment?" "Oh no. Mr. Isaacs," she said, turning her voice to where she could see the light of his cigarette and the faint outline of his chair in the starlight, "here we are in the camp. Now where is the 'lute' you promised to produce for us?

'It surely can't be your heart? William began to look annoyed. 'Look here, can't I go without a smoke for once without my entire anatomy being held up for discussion? He then produced a cigarette and proceeded to light it. 'I thought you'd given up smoking, commented the puzzled Henry. 'Do you call this smoking? he replied in disgust.

At any rate, as he talked there over coffee that grew cold and cigarette smoke that made the air yet thicker than it naturally was, his words conveyed with almost grandeur of conviction this reality of a profound inner experience. I shared in some faint way its truth and beauty, so that when I saw it in his written form I marveled to find the thing so thin and cold and dwindled.

"That's nothing new here, sir," said the landlord to Lawrence, as he lighted a cigarette; "we're used to it, though some of the natives ain't quite easy in their minds, for the shocks have been both frequent as well as violent lately." "Have they done any damage?" asked Lawrence. "Nothin' to speak of. Only shook down a house or two that was built to sell, I suppose, not to stand.

The public, the stupid, addle-headed public, fatten on that sort of thing, and it keeps me going far more effectively than my feeble attempts to warble a couple of songs which you could sing far better if only you made up your mind to come on the stage. But there! After such unwonted candor I must have a smoke. You won't try a cigarette? Well, don't look so shocked. This isn't a church, you know."