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They were holding a consultation, evidently; and the very air felt gummy with latent advice. "What's the matter with your engine?" they chorused. "Why, there's something wrong with it!" I explained cheerfully, as I went aboard again. I began to crank, praying steadily for a miracle. Now and then I managed to coax forth a gaseous chortle or two.

Little Horatio looked gray and old; his lips trembled and his hand shook as he greeted Bragdon. "Well, sir, so you and Milly have made up your minds to get married?" "Yes, sir." "Hope you'll make each other happy." "We shall!" both chorused. "And I hope you'll be able to support her." "We'll live on nothing," Milly bubbled gayly. "First time then I've known you to," Horatio retorted sourly.

Own up, you thief!" chorused the two experts, who, pallid and debauched looking, now stood beside the two struggling men: and Dick now noticed that Gilderman held the small strong box and that it was open, and empty. The diamonds had gone!

It is such an unusual and exciting story that it would be cruel to leave us in suspense about the end." "Very well, then," said Musard, as the other ladies chorused their approval. "We left the cave, and Moynglass, who considered himself the leader of the expedition, put the ruby in his pocket.

The "Hills" the whole East, for that matter are ever ready to form a new sect or join a new band or a new blood-feud. Witness the Nikalseyns, who worship a long-since dead Englishman. "We see!" yelled one of them. "We see!" they chorused, and the idea took charge. From that minute they were a new band, with a war-cry of their own.

Then a wizened old man with scanty white beard raised his hands imploringly to Dermot. "Lord! Holy One! Have mercy on us!" The rest chorused: "Have mercy!" "Spare thy slaves, O Lord!" went on the old man. "Spare us ere all perish. We worship at thy shrine. We grudge not thy elephants our miserable crops. Are they not thy servants? But let not the Striped Death slay all of us."

Then a man wearing a rig with short, queer shaped sleeves approached me and bade me follow. I walked after him and was taken to an inn called Minato-ya. The maids of the inn, who gave me a disagreeable impression, chorused at sight of me; "Please step inside." This discouraged me in proceeding further, and I asked them, standing at the door-way, to show me the middle school.

Take your stations and stand by to blast off." Spears, Coglin, and Duke jumped into the chairs and Tom walked around them eying them coldly. "Now, Misters," he said, "you are to blast off, make a complete circle of the Earth, and return to the Academy spaceport for a touchdown. Is that clearly understood?" "All clear," chorused the boys. "Stand by to raise ship!" bawled Tom.

It is right and she wishes us to do so. Of what use is it to wait three days. Let us say 'yes' now and then we shall all he happy. All together! Is it 'yes'?" "'Yes," chorused four voices. Madge turned to Mrs. Curtis. "We must say good-bye this minute, but we'll write you, and one of these days you'll find our 'Ship of Dreams' anchored on your beach."

But in a moment the boy ran down the steps again and retraced his steps up Main Street. As he passed the street where we were he looked down, and then he came toward us. "Which one is Miss Elizabeth Kent?" he asked. Nyoda stepped forward and he handed her the telegraph envelope. Nyoda tore it open and a look of blank astonishment came over her face as she read. "What is it?" we all chorused.