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Beautiful always, she had grown lovelier than ever in these halcyon days of rest, when 'Love took up the harp of Life and smote on all the chords with might; Smote the chord of Self, that, trembling, pass'd in music out of sight. To her native grace she now united a distinctive dignity which added to her always gracious and queenly charm, and never had she looked more exquisite than now, when rocking gently in the suspended network of woven turquoise silk fringed with silver, she rested her head against cushions of the same delicate hue, and turned her expressive eyes enquiringly towards her husband, wondering what kept him so silent, and what was the cause of the little line of anxiety which furrowed his brow.

"Perhaps it is one of her own compositions that she is trying to keep hidden under a bushel, as it were," said Guy, with a sudden inspiration. "Oh, now you are wrong! and, to prove it, you shall be made to listen to one of my very own pieces as a punishment," and she turned again to the piano. "Dexie, is that your own?" when the last chords had died away.

A few bitter chords, a few stray notes that somehow spoke to her of a spirit escaped and wandering alone and naked in a desert of indescribable emptiness, and then silence a crushing, fearful silence like the ashes of a burnt-out fire. "And in hell he lift up his eyes." ... Why did those words flash through her brain as though a voice had uttered them?

As a rainbow, when its brightness fades, seems to subside, then soars again and, before it is extinguished, is glorified with greater splendour than it has ever shewn; so to the two colours which the phrase had hitherto allowed to appear it added others now, chords shot with every hue in the prism, and made them sing.

Of these practise hours, at least one hour is given to technic, scales, arpeggios, octaves, chords and Bach! I believe in taking one selection of Bach, say a Two-voiced Invention, and perfecting it, playing it in various ways transposing it into all keys and polishing it to the highest degree possible. The B flat Invention is a useful one for this treatment.

"A servant may be a very honorable man, and not be willing to serve a shadowless master I demand my discharge." It was necessary to try other chords. "But honest, dear Rascal, who has put the unlucky idea into your head? How canst thou believe ?" He proceeded in the same tone: "People will assert that you have no shadow and, in short, you show me your shadow, or give me my discharge."

Yet, was it not strange she should have loved a man so gross, so steeped in sensuous, thoughtless enjoyment so remote from God as I am have ever been? But the song speaks for me" waving his gauntleted hand "better than I can speak: "'Away! away! the chords are mute, the bond is rent in twain." "I shall never marry again never!

In the closing cadences in those chords, triumphant and faith-bringing for the moment her own sorrows melted away, and the thought of herself was lost in the inspiration of the grand, majestic intonations to which she was giving utterance.

After some time the music changed, and ran into a plaintive strain, in a minor key. Then it was that all the former witchery of her voice came over me; then it was that she seemed to sing from the heart and to the heart. Her fingers moved about the chords as if they scarcely touched them.

Don't forget to" etc. At last! at last! No retreating now, Coute que coute! we must take in the plank and embark on our shaky craft. The Marquis attacked the overture by playing some vigorous arpeggios and pompous chords. The curtains were drawn aside and the lord of the manor entered. After his monologue, which he did very well, he hesitated a moment.