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And thou, Messer Gastaldo, wilt graciously aid me in their escort since, verily, they owe much to thy chivalry." It was a pleasant scene for the onlookers. But the Lady Marina sat motionless, and gave neither word nor sign in response to the invitation of the ducal secretary. "Shall the pleasure of the lady of this noble house not be consulted?"

The armies of the Romans seem prosaic when we turn to the brilliant array of chivalry, to the ranks of steel-clad knights couching the lance to win fame, the smile of woman, or the reward of religious devotion; men to whom war seemed a grand tournament, in which each combatant, from the king to the poorest knight, was to seek distinction by his strength and valor.

Had he not, the superfine critics of his day may have asked steeped as they were in the artificiality and florid extravagance of chivalry in the days of its decline, and habituated to mistranslating earthly passion into the phraseology of religious devotion had he not debased the passion of love, and defamed its object?

How inconsistent with all the ideals of chivalry was that action of Bacon in his war with Governor Berkeley which won for his men the contemptuous appellation of "White Aprons!" Bacon had made a quick march on Jamestown and had surprised his enemies there. His force, however, was so small that he set to work immediately constructing earthworks around his camp. Bacons lady, Madm. Bray, Madm.

Which, wheresoe'er he be, Are at his heart; and such fidelity It is his darling passion to approve; More brave for this, that he hath much to love. Compare with this the end of the Song at Brougham Castle, where, at the words "alas! The fervent harper did not know " the strain changes from the very spirit of chivalry to the gentleness of Nature's calm.

But for chivalry the Beatrice of Dante, the Laura of Petrarch, Shakespeare's Miranda and Goethe's Marguerite, could not have been created, much less comprehended. Chivalry in the oldest discoverable form was the invention of the Church.

Nor will it be difficult in these growing years to instil into the boy the best elements of chivalry which shall make him a champion for his mother's sex. He ought to be trained to a certain respect and courtesy toward girls and women as he grows older, by many devices in the home life which will suggest themselves to any mother.

The day following this glorious fight, in which the men of the North had proved themselves to be more than a match for the boasted Southern chivalry, and had gained a name which placed Pleasonton's command at the head of the world's cavalry forces, Pleasonton was made a Major-General, and Kilpatrick a Brigadier. Their stars were well-deserved and proudly worn.

Is yonder the numerous chivalry that you did engage to raise for me, when you said that all I should have to do would be to get money together? 'That did I never say, answered the count.

Monsieur Scuderi tells me they were written in the times of vigour and spirit, in the evening of the gallant days of chivalry, which, though then declining, had left in the hearts of men a warm glow of courage and heroism; and they were to be called to books as to battle, by the sound of the trumpet.