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"Did you?" I smiled. She was so childishly frank. "But that was only passing. Then in Benton I knew you were different. I wondered what it was; but you were different from anybody that I had met before. There's always such a moment in a woman's life." I soberly nodded. Nothing could be a platitude in such a place and such an hour. "I wished to help you. Do you believe that now?"

"Do you know, I wish so much you could come down stairs," she said techily, "I am lonesome every second for you," and kneeling on one knee beside him, the lovely girl encircled the old man's neck with her bare white arms, caressing him childishly.

"Do you remember," Darrow asked Jack, "how the curtain of darkness hung about ten or twelve feet inside the corridor of the Atlas Building?" "Sure," replied Jack. "And do you remember that while the rest of you, including Eldridge, were occupied rather childishly with the spectacular side of it, I had disappeared inside the blackness?" "Certainly."

"You must have wonderful maids," suggested Nancy, smiling. "I have!" said Dorothy amusedly, "They're crazy about me I don't know why, because I work them like dogs. But of course we're away a lot, and then they always have parties," she added, "and they run things pretty much to suit themselves. But we have good meals, don't we, Elaine?" she asked, childishly. "Heavenly!" said Elaine.

Still pondering, he took up the other letters, turned them over childishly pleased for the thousandth time by the M.P. on each envelope and the number and variety of his correspondence and eagerly chose out three one from his bankers, one from his Lincolnshire agent, and one from the Clarion office, undoubtedly this time in Wilkins's hand.

He seemed to regain all his care-free temper, but Bertha remained uneasy and at times abnormally distraught. She spoke with effort and listened badly, so busily was she wrought upon by unbidden thoughts. The question of her lover's disloyalty to Alice Heath, strange to say, had not hitherto troubled her so selfishly, so childishly had her own relationship to him filled her mind.

Leslie hung childishly on the upstairs balustrade, in the dim wide upper hall, and watched them go. "I I almost called you Norma!" she confessed, mischievously. "I wish you had!" Norma called up from below. She was in great spirits as they went out into the deepening cold blue of the street, and almost persuaded her aunt to take the omnibus up the Avenue. But Mrs.

It was pleasant to see that Emily had grown innocently, childishly fond of her cousin, and her fondness expressed itself in a number of pretty ways.

They were so much surprised indeed, as to be almost childishly interested, and Starmidge had never had such attentive listeners in his life as these two elderly city men, to whom crime and detention were as unfamiliar as higher finance was to their visitor.

If you could stay with Annie, now " "I hate Aunt Annie!" Norma interrupted, childishly. "My dear girl you're over-tired, you don't mean what you say!" Chris said, putting his hand on her arm. Under the light touch she dropped her eyes, and stood still. "Norma, do be advised by me in this," he urged her earnestly. "It is one of the most important crises in your life.