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If ye'd been anybody else, I cud ha' said ye got ye'r pay for all these long, hard years in the love the childer bear ye. That's the pay folks get for workin' an' livin' for others but ye're not folks. Is't that ye're the seventh son? Is't that ye've second sight? Is't that what is't that makes ye so far away? An' what is ye'r pay, Tim?

Misther Blake was dhrivin' to church, at about eleven o'clock o' a foin summer's mornin'. His wife was wid him, an' Timothy Ruane was runnin' the horse a dacent boy was Tim, would do a hand's turn for anybody. The childer all swore by Tim, be raison he was the boy to give them half-pince for sweets and the like o' that.

They're the gran-childer o' Mother Demdike o' Pendle, the greatest witch i' these parts, an childer o' Bess Device, who's nah much better. Ask me to witness agen 'em, that's aw." "Howd thy tongue, woman, or ey'n drown thee," muttered Jem, in a tone of deep menace. "Ye canna, mon, if ey'm the witch ye ca' me," rejoined Nance. "Jennet's turn'll come os weel os mine, one o' these days.

"Well, whatever way you look at it," said the strange old man, "I've a notion I've a right to be gettin' somethin' more out of it be now than boys' wages. Ay, it's time I was. Boys' wages; the lyin' spalpeen." "If you axed me, sir," said old O'Beirne, "I'd say 'twas time somebody else would be gettin' the wages. Isn't there any childer to be earnin' for you?

"Weel," said Betty, "we have all on us much to ask, and much to tell; but just you finish your tea, and I'll put the childer to bed; and then you and John can take a turn round the garden, if you've a mind, while I clear the table and tidy up a bit."

'Oh, Miss Grey! she would say, 'you have some trouble with them childer! 'I have, indeed, Betty; and I daresay you know what it is. 'Ay, I do so! But I don't vex myself o'er 'em as you do. And then, you see, I hit 'em a slap sometimes: and them little 'uns I gives 'em a good whipping now and then: there's nothing else will do for 'em, as what they say. Howsoever, I've lost my place for it.

Was it safe, he asked, to drive to Cloud Island that day? The other looked at him from head to foot. "Not safe," he said, "for women and childer; but for men" the word was lingered upon for a moment "yes, safe enough."

So we rides away innoshent like amongst the trees, me thinkin' only it wor a mighty queer place for manoovrin', until we seed, just beyond us in the hollow, the smoke of an Injin camp and a lot of women and childer. And Mrs. Lascelles gets off and goes to discoursin' and blarneying wid 'em: and Oi sees Mr. Forsyth glancin' round and lookin' oneasy.

"D'ye mind the Squire's daughter, Josey?" asked one of the village women sauntering a little nearer to him. "Mind her?" And Josey Letherbarrow halted abruptly. "Do I mind my own childer?

The next thought was near akin to it: to take out of pawn divers valued articles, two or three of which had been her mother's; for Reuben's lameness, poor man, kept him much out of work, and the childer came so quick, and ate so fast, and wore out such a sight of shoes, that, but for an occasional appeal to Mrs.