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He bent down over it and picked up two scraps of paper adhering to the wicker work. The rest had evidently been thrown away. I bent over to read them. One was: rest Nettie dying to see The other read: cherche to-d love and ma rman. What did it mean? Hastily, I could fill in "Dearest Nettie," and "I am dying to see you."

The best judges at the time pronounced that as a lasting monument of literary force the work was over refined: "Kinglake," said Sir George Cornewall Lewis, "tries to write better than he can write"; quoting, perhaps unconsciously, the epigram of a French art critic a hundred years before Il cherche toujours a faire mieux qu'il ne fait.

They didn't go about trying to hunt up the impossible. 'On ne cherche pas midi a quatorze heures'. You hold, as I do, to the old fashions, though you are not nearly so old, my dear Elise, and Jacqueline's mother thought as we think. She would say that her daughter is being very badly brought up. To be sure, all young creatures nowadays are the same.

Corrected proof-sheets in the evening. March 16. "A trifling day we have had here, Begun with trifle and ended." But I hope no otherwise so ended than to meet the rubrick of the ballad, for it is but three o'clock. In the morning I was l'homme qui cherche everything fell aside, the very pens absconded, and crept in among a pack of letters and trumpery, where I had the devil's work finding them.

The new Minister and the Chancellor are in general execration. On the latter's lately obtaining the Cordon Bleu, this epigram appeared: Ce tyran de la France, qui cherche

Si j'avais pu vous en parler de vive voix, je vous aurais mieux dit que je n'ai adresse a personne d'invitation formelle, qu'en vous faisant cette proposition je ne veux vous imposer aucune gene, mais que par cela meme votre presence n'aurait que plus de prix a mes yeux. Vous m'excuserez de n'avoir cherche ce matin qu'a vous expliquer ma pensee aussi brievement que possible.

He found a garret room in the Rue Cherche Midi, and looked up two friends of his who were studying at the Beaux Arts. They introduced him to a newspaper correspondent who threw a bit of work in his way a fortnightly letter to an Arkansas paper on French fashions and society, at five dollars per letter.

They didn't go about trying to hunt up the impossible. 'On ne cherche pas midi a quatorze heures'. You hold, as I do, to the old fashions, though you are not nearly so old, my dear Elise, and Jacqueline's mother thought as we think. She would say that her daughter is being very badly brought up. To be sure, all young creatures nowadays are the same.

Nodding at me with a gentle look, she cast her eyes on the paper and began to read: "Calmez vous, mon amie, il vous aime et il vous cherche. Dans quatre heures vous serez heureuse. Allons du courage, et surtout soyez maitre de vous meme." "Thanks!"

"Vouloir ce que Dieu veut est la seule science Qui nous met en repos." None of us can escape the play of contrary impulse; but as soon as the soul has once recognized the order of things and submitted itself thereto, then all is well. "Comme un sage mourant puissions nous dire en paix: J'ai trop longtemps erre, cherche; je me trompais: Tout est bien, mon Dieu m'enveloppe." January 28, 1881.