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"Thus, for instance, the surplice and alb signify innocence; the cord that serves as a girdle is an emblem of chastity and modesty; the amice, of purity of heart and body the helmet of salvation mentioned by Saint Paul.

O days, O nights, weaving one web of dreams, hours fleeting like the floating white clouds in the heavens, leaving nought but a shimmering wake in dazzled eyes, the warm wind breathing the languor of spring, the golden warmth of the body, the sunlit arbor of love, shameless chastity, embraces, and madness, and sighs, and happy laughter, happy tears, what is there left of the lovers, thrice happy dust?

Love of a worthy woman tells for chastity even in the young and the sensual; love of a Fanny French merely debauches the mind and inflames the passions. Secure in his paganism, Horace followed where the lures of London beckoned him; he knew not reproach of conscience; shame offered but thin resistance to his boiling blood.

Chastity cannot be predicated of those who have renounced marriage by vows of perpetual celibacy, unless there be and remain in them the love of a life truly conjugial, 155. The sphere of perpetual celibacy infests the sphere of conjugial love, which is the very essential sphere of heaven, 54. Those who live in celibacy, if they are spiritual, are on the side of heaven, 54.

They are but one appetite, and we only need to see a person do any one of these things to know how great a sensualist he is. The impure can neither stand nor sit with purity. When the reptile is attacked at one mouth of his burrow, he shows himself at another. If you would be chaste, you must be temperate. What is chastity? How shall a man know if he is chaste? He shall not know it.

According to the commonly accepted story, the moral condition of Spain at the beginning of the eighth century was most deplorable. The Goths had lost that reputation for honesty and chastity which in the earlier days of their power had distinguished them from the Romans.

Chardin on the Persians. Charms, worn by women. Charruas, freedom of divorce among the. Chasmorhynchus, difference of colour in the sexes of; colours of. Chasmorhynchus niveus. Chasmorhynchus nudicollis. Chasmorhynchus tricarunculatus. Chastity, early estimation of. Chatterers, sexual differences in. Cheever, Rev. H.T., census of the Sandwich Islands.

And the spoyling a man of his goods, by Terrour of death, or wounds, than by clandestine surreption. And by clandestine Surreption, than by consent fraudulently obtained. And the violation of chastity by Force, greater, than by flattery. And of a woman Married, than of a woman not married.

On the second day of my establishment as abbess, the two elder sisters, who could with difficulty he got rid of even when I retired to bed the night before, introduced the whole of the nuns in rotation, beginning with the elder, and ending with those who last took the vow of chastity.

There is a wanton unreason embodied in the life of woman now; the present 'virtue' is a morbid unhealthy plant. Nature and God never poised the life of a woman upon such a needle's point. The whole modern idea of chastity has in it sensual exaggeration, surely, in part, remaining to us from other times, with what was good in it in great part gone."