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During the afternoon one more of my donkeys died, and at night the hyaenas came in great numbers to feast upon the carcase. Ulimengo, the chasseur, and best shot of my Wangwana, stole out and succeeded in shooting two, which turned out to be some of the largest of their kind.. One of them measured six feet from the tip of the nose to the extremity of the tail, and three feet around the girth.

"The waiting-maid is great friends with a tall chasseur named Paccard, living in the Rue de Provence, over a carriage-builder's; he goes out as heyduque to persons who give themselves princely airs. You can get at Madame van Bogseck's woman through Paccard, a brawny Piemontese, who has a liking for vermouth."

In his own way, amid these wild spirits, who would have been blown from the guns' mouths to serve him, he had made good the "Coeur vaillant se fait Royaume" of his House. And he was, moreover, by this time, a French soldier at heart and in habit, in almost all things though the English gentleman was not dead in him under the harness of a Chasseur d'Afrique.

The enemy, looking forward, saw the information was true, and with a shout of derision, took to flight. Poniatowski, almost at the word, was by the side of his young friend, who, unconscious of any idea but that of filial solicitude, had dismounted. "Where is the palatine?" was his immediate inquiry to a chasseur who was stooping towards the slain.

What grade?" "A Colonel of Guards." Cigarette gave a little whistle to herself; she remembered that a Marshal of France had once said of a certain Chasseur, "He has the seat of the English Guards." "My pretty catechist, M. le Duc does not tell you his title," cried one of the officers. Cigarette interrupted him with a toss of her head. "Ouf! I am a child of the People.

Herr Johannes looked her in the face. 'You are very decided, my dear lady. He seemed to have lost his own decision, but handing Vittoria in, he drew a long cigar from his breastpocket, lit it, and mounted beside the coachman. The chasseur had disappeared. Vittoria entreated that a general look-out should be kept for Giacinta.

"So! you heed the heat so little, you give up your turn of water to a drummer, they say?" The Chasseur gave the salute with a calm deference. A faint flush passed over the sun-bronze of his forehead. He had thought the Sidney-like sacrifice had been unobserved. "The drummer was but a child, mon Commandant."

I believe I can sleep for a week. They have given me a bed in the officers' ward me, a corporal. It is because I am an American, of course. Wish there was some way of showing one's appreciation for so much kindness. My neighbor on the left is a chasseur captain. A hand-grenade exploded in his face. He will go through life horribly disfigured. An old padre, with two machine-gun bullets in his hip, is on the other side. He is very patient, but sometimes the pain is a little too much for him. To a Frenchman, "Oh, l

You harbor the francs-tireurs from the wood of Dieulet, among them that Sambuc who is brother to your hired man; you supply the bandits with provisions. And I know that that hired man, Prosper, is a chasseur d'Afrique and a deserter, and belongs to us by rights.

It's not fair to an old and faithful admirer. I shall stick it in. Poulet chasseur? Woman: Oh no! Couldn't dream of it. Didn't you know I was dieting? Nothing saucy. No sugar. No bread. No tea. Thanks to that I've lost nearly a stone in six months. You know I was getting enormous. Man: Let me put that in, eh? Woman: Just try, and see what happens to you!