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Mandane ran, rather than walked, out of the room in her eagerness to show the splendid present she had just received to the inferior attendants and slaves; and Nitetis, her eyes glistening and her heart beating with excess of happiness, threw herself on to the ivory chair which stood before her dressing-table, uttered a short prayer of thanksgiving to her favorite Egyptian goddess, the beautiful Hathor, kissed the gold chain which Cambyses had given her after plunging into the water for her ball, then her letter from home, and rendered almost over-confident by her great happiness, began to unroll it, slowly sinking back into the purple cushions as she did so and murmuring: "How very, very happy I am!

His face looked flushed, as though he had rushed back at express speed. He had seemed interested and content, and the girl was pretty, yet he had come back to her! He seated himself on the chair by her side, and looked at her with eager eyes. "I haven't seen you for six months!" "I was just " Claire began impulsively, drew herself up, and finished demurely "I suppose it is."

What did he care how the judge glared. He did not see how stiffly Miss Lucretia sat in her chair. She could not take him on her knee then, but she would have liked to. Miss Lucretia rose, and stood quite as stiffly as she had sat, and the judge rose, too. He was very angry, but this was not the time to get even with Mr. Ives. As it turned out, he did not need to bother about getting even.

"It's all over, Maggie," answers my father very quietly, as he takes off his coat and lays it across a chair; "we've got to begin the world afresh." My mother's arms steal up about his neck; and I, feeling heavy with a trouble I do not understand, creep off to bed. This story is about a shop: many stories are. One Sunday evening this Bishop had to preach a sermon at St. Paul's Cathedral.

Behind this sleek and comely personage, on knock-knees, in torn shirt open at the throat, with apathetic, listless, unlighted face, stood the lean and gawky Beck. "Set a chair for the gentleman," said the inmate of the chamber to Beck, with a dignified wave of the hand. "How do you do, Mr. Mr. humph Jason? How do you do? Always smart and blooming; the world thrives with you."

It would be so good just to hear him talk, and it wouldn't make any difference to us now if he did just talk." Rufus Blight brought a fist down on the arm of his chair. "David, I must find him!" "He went to Tibet," said I. "To the South Seas, to the Arctic, to Tibet everywhere, David. His trail has led me all over the world. I can never catch up to him.

"I wonder why that should strike you so much the telephones, I mean?" Delaine's tone was stiff. He had thrown himself back in his chair with folded arms, and a slight look of patience. "After all, you know, it may only be one dull person telephoning to another dull person on subjects that don't matter!" Elizabeth laughed and coloured. "Oh! it isn't telephones in themselves.

Robert told, in a few words, of his visit to Southampton and his journey to Liverpool, with their different results, my lady listening very attentively. In order to tell this story to better advantage, the young man left his chair, and, crossing the room, took up his place opposite to Lady Audley, in the embrasure of the window. "And what do you infer from all this?" asked my lady, after a pause.

He looked at her hand, resting so near, so near, upon the arm of the chair; and last he looked again into her face; and it seemed wonderful and before all things wonderful, not that she should be here, jeweled and crowned, but that he should so unbelievably be here with her. And yet it might be but a moment, as time is measured, until this moment would be swept away.

He occupied the great chair near the chimney-place, and he still held the gold head of his everlasting cane close to his nose. "Well, Mary," said Lawrence, with an inquiring, yearning glance. Mary was very pale, but she smiled sweetly. "Lawrence, it's a boy," said Mary. Oh, what a grievous disappointment that was! After all the hopes, the talk, the preparations, the plans a boy!