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They hacked and hewed at him with swords and spears, wounding him in a dozen places till he streamed red with blood; but the shield protected his head and the chain-shirt his vitals, and for minute after minute, aided by the gallant Zu-Vendi, he still held the stair.

And these their names: A true list of these rogues each and every known to me aforetime in Tortuga, viz.: My enemies. My equipment against the same. Jasper Vokes 2 Swords. Juliano Bartolozzi 1 Axe. Benjamin Denton 2 Pikes. Pierre Durand 5 Pistols. John Ford A chain-shirt. James Ballantyne Izaac Pym Robert Ball William Loveday Daniel Marston Ebenezer Phips A boy and one woman. June 1.

"Should you need me at any time, shoot off this pistol and I will come" says I, "so good-bye, my lady!" But scarce was I without the cave than she comes to me with my chain-shirt in her hands, and when I would have none of it, grew the more insistent. "Put it on," says she gently, "who can tell what may befall you, so put it on I pray!"

For here was treasure greater ... moreover and wealth undreamed ... shaft of ... suddenly ... the valley ... sore annoyed I stood to ... he knelt ... seeking the water ... turned ... our knives ... through my forearm but I ... broke short against my chain-shirt and I ... beneath the armpit. So back by the secret way to bind up my hurt and behold again my treasure.

"An excellent blade!" says he, making a pass in the air, then he tendered it to me hilt foremost and with the little bow. "'Tis right you should know I am wearing the chain-shirt." "No matter," quoth he, drawing, "there is your throat or your eye come!" So point to point we fell to it.

But if water won't drown him and steel won't harm him " "Like you, he wears a chain-shirt, Adam, that I do know. Moreover, the devil cherisheth his own, I've heard." "Why here's reason, Martin, plain reason I grant, and yet but 'tis late and you'll be for sleep, and there's reason in that too. Come, I'll show your bed " "Spare yourself I want no bed," says I bitterly.

At last I got me forth mightily refreshed, and that the wind and sun might dry me, strove to cleanse my garments, but finding it a thankless task I got dressed at last, but my chain-shirt I left folded beside the pool and I much more comfortable therefor. Following the dancing rill, I clambered down the rocks and so into the little valley where ran the stream.