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His wife whispered as she brushed by his elbow, "I want to speak with you instantly, Owen. Well, now!" she added, when they were alone in their own room and she had shut the door, "what do you say now?" "What do I say now, Celia?" retorted Elmore, with just indignation. "It seems to me that it is for you to say something or nothing." "Why, you brought it on us."

La petite had unconsciously played her useful part in their crime. But her use was ended now, and they would deal with her accordingly. She removed the girl's hat and cloak and tossed them aside. "Now stay quiet until we are ready for you," she said. And Celia, lifting her head, said in a whisper: "Water!" The old woman poured some from a jug and held the glass to Celia's lips.

"She is quite well," repeated Letty reassuringly; and, to Celia: "She sends her love to you and to your husband and son, and wishes to know how they are and where their regiment is stationed." "You sweet little thing!" said Celia, impulsively taking her into her arms and kissing her pale face.

But the twinkling black eyes under the level brows would have redeemed a far plainer face. Had Joel been of a poetic temperament he would have compared Betty to a pink rose-bud, and Celia to a velvety pansy, saucy and bewitching. Mary, coming up the stairs with a bowl of broth, stood in the doorway petrified. Under her spatter of freckles, her comely face was pale.

Off rushed Bab with the plateful of goodies; and, drawing Ben down beside her on the wide step, Miss Celia took out the letters, with a shadow creeping over her face as softly as the twilight was stealing over the world, while the dew fell, and every thing grew still and dim.

"I thought of throwing myself into the Seine," said Celia simply, in telling her story to the Juge d'Instruction. "Indeed, I went to the river. But the water looked so cold, so terrible, and I was young. I wanted so much to live. And then the night came, and the lights made the city bright, and I was very tired and and "

They were at the table when he thus addressed her, and there followed a succession of comments. "Don't you dare call her that when I'm round!" remarked Jeff. "I actually didn't understand at first whom you meant," said Celia. "I've not forgotten how long it took me to learn that my name was Birch," said Charlotte's mother, with a smile so bright that it covered the involuntary sigh.

Pure luck or providence, or whatever you choose to call it certainly not because my business sagacity was any greater than yours. You wouldn't take a cent from me at the time, but you've got to let me have my way now. Celia goes with me if you agree. Charlotte goes to her art school, and if you refuse me the fun of assuming both expenses, I'll be tremendously offended no joke, I shall."

"Miss Celia told me to. I'll say 'confound it, if you like that better," answered Ben, as a sly smile twinkled in his eyes. "Oh, I see! She 's told you about it? Well, then, if you want to please her, you'll learn a hymn right off. Come, now, she wants me to be clever to you, and I'd like to do it; but if you get peppery, how can I?"

Danny, who was past nine, reached him before Jerry could gulp down that mouthful and take another bite, as he had intended to do. Chris and Nora followed at Danny's heels, with Celia Jane, as usual, far in the rear. "Save me a bite, Jerry!" called Celia Jane. "Give me a bite of your apple, Jerry," coaxed Danny. "Me, too," echoed Chris. "It looks awful nice," observed Nora. "Where'd you get it?"