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"Well, all I got to say is I guess I'd better not say it, after all." "You can't hurt my feelings." "I'm not so sure about that," said the old man gruffly. "How do you get up to that cave?" "You ain't thinking of trying it, are you?" apprehensively. "When I'm a bit huskier, yes." The old man removed his cigar in order to obtain the full effect of a triumphant grin.

Dick carried a torch, which he held overhead, and likewise a pistol, in case any snake or wild animal should attack him. The youth had not proceeded far before he came upon signs which showed that the cave at one time had been inhabited by human beings. First he espied a part of an old bag, then a weather-beaten sailor's cap, and soon after a rusty pistol, falling apart for the want of care.

According to him, the cave within shows signs of having been occupied, and has in it a squared and smoothed block of stone nine feet long, at which Perducat and his ruffians doubtless caroused, as at a table. That above the large one was formerly reached by a gallery of wood.

Never more did she spread the table, for husband or guests, within a house. Never more was her voice heard singing, gaily or plaintively, the songs that she had gathered from the palm groves of Africa, or the vineyards of France, or from the flowery fields of a mother's hopes. Henceforth she carried the rifle, and ate her meal in stern silence, in the cave of the rock.

The western end of the ledge was occupied by a structure whose use at first sight is not apparent. The wall, as shown on the plan, is curved, very thick and heavy, and built partly over the sloping rock forming the back of the cave. The front wall is 3

"I met one of the fishermen. He had seen you row into the cave." "Oh!" She looked at him more steadily. His brown face was hot. Perspiration stood on his forehead just under the thick and waving hair. "Where have you been, Gaspare? Not to Naples in all this heat?" "I have been to Mergellina, Signorina." "Mergellina! Did you see Ruffo?" "Si, Signorina."

The poor woman nearly died of these hardships, but she kept a brave heart, and at length she reached an enormous cave in the side of a mountain. This was where the Wind lived. There was a little door in the railing in front of the cave, and here the Princess knocked and begged for admission. The mother of the Wind had pity on her and took her in, that she might rest a little.

If there ever was a grand sight in Nature it's a two-hundred-pound soldier entirely concealed by a rock twice the size of my fist. "Y-a-as, here they come; and I flitted my red handkercher like it was a 'Pache's head-dress, leadin' 'em on to where Percy was. I got there first and crawled into a cave where I could watch.

As ill-luck would have it, they saw the cave entrance and dashed in, then halted. Crouching in the shadow we could see their figures silhoutted in the dim light of the entrance of the cavern. One stopped at the entrance while the other advanced. He was a big fellow and powerfully built and the other fellow was equally burly. I made up my mind to fight to the last though I knew it was hopeless.

Both these currents, then, favour the glacial conditions of the cave, and to some extent counterbalance the disadvantages of its situation: viz., its aspect, towards the south-east; the large size of its opening to the air, and the absence of all shelter near the mouth, such as is so often provided by trees or rocks.