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"Why, there appeared to be a good number, full half, of the rascals afoot." "True; I observed that." "Now, master, I have seen a cavallada stampeded by the Comanches more than once they were always mounted." "What signifies that? These are Wacoes, not Comanches." "True, master; but I have heard that the Wacoes, like the Comanches, are true Horse-Indians, and never go afoot on any business."

We could see them hurrying around the butte, in the direction of their cavallada: and, in an incredibly short space of time, most of the warriors had leaped to their horses, and with their long spears towering high above their heads, had thrown themselves into an irregular formation. The plain at this moment presented an animated spectacle.

The camp itself that is the two tents, with Jake's waggon were on the very edge of the stream; but Jake's mules were up on the plain, along with the rest of the cavallada. It was still two hours before sunset. We had made our dinner, and, satisfied with the day's sport, were enjoying ourselves with a little brandy, that still held out in our good-sized keg, and a smoke.

Well, senor; we had arrived on the ground, spread out the repast we had brought with us, uncorked the wine-bottles, and were in the full tide of enjoyment talking and laughing gaily when all of a sudden we heard the trampling of horses. Not of one or two; but the hoof-strokes of a whole troop. At first we thought it might be the cavallada of some rich proprietor, galloping past the place.

Only a few of the men were in sight moving about among the fires, that still burned upon the plain; but the strength of the cavallada told that the others were there no doubt, concealed from our view by the interposed mass of the mound. I saw the waggon at its base the white tilt conspicuous against the dark-green foliage of the cedars. But my eyes dwelt not upon this.

It is scarce necessary to add that the young girl who recalled these sweet souvenirs, and who was now mingling in his dreams, was the daughter of Don Augustin Pena, the proprietor of the Hacienda del Venado. At daybreak the sleepers were awakened by the ringing of a bell and the clatter of hoofs. It was the cavallada returning to camp, under the charge of Benito, who had thus kept his promise.

As yet not an Arapaho had been seen: but, on climbing to a ledge of rocks, I had the satisfaction to perceive that these brigands were still by the butte. I saw not them, but their horses the cavallada being almost in the position in which I had left it! From this it was evident, that they had returned from the pursuit: had abandoned it altogether, and given their steeds to the grass.

Rough as was this announcement, we soon became satisfied that it was but too true. On reaching the place where the cavallada had been picketed, we found not the semblance of a horse. Even the pins were drawn, and the lazoes taken along.

"The whole cavallada of the expedition got safely over, and in a short while we were all en route, once more climbing up toward the `altos. I asked my companion why we could not have got over the stream at some other point, and thus have saved the time and labour.