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There was another grave apprehension that weighed upon Cautin's mind. He was in great fear that the audacious example of Chram and his friends might shake the naïve and fruitful credulity of Neroweg, from which Cautin drew much profit by the cultivation and exploitation of the devil.

Your ancestors astonished the world by their generous bravery and would you slay a defenseless man?" Vagres and slaves remained silent for a moment. After a short consultation with Ronan they directed him to stipulate the conditions for Cautin's life. "Bishop, choose! Either be our cook or hang!" "Sacrilegious bandits!

Several of Bishop Cautin's slaves, who, out of fear of hell fire, did not wish to run the Vagrery after the burning of the episcopal villa, swelled the foot soldiers of Count Neroweg. Ronan's troop numbered at most a score of men. The council of war decided to engage in a general battle. It is half an hour since the approach of Count Neroweg and his leudes was announced by the pickets.

"Oh, beloved bishop!" cried the kneeling mothers smiting their chests. "A saint among saints! Thanks thanks to you!" "Listen to me, ye poor sheep who mistake the butcher for the shepherd," said Ronan to them. "If you do not forthwith profit by our offer, we shall hang the bishop before your very eyes." "Here is a rope," said Wolf's-Tooth, and he put the noose around Cautin's neck.

At once burning and languishing, the eyes of this woman now rise towards the starry sky, now seem to peer through this mild summer's night, under shelter of which, with the stealthy step of wolves, the Vagres are wending their way towards the bishop's residence. The woman is Fulvia, Cautin's bishopess, whom he married when, still a simple friar, he did not yet aspire to a bishopric.

Ronan's purpose was served so long as the holy man limited himself to throwing Neroweg and his leudes into consternation, but as soon as the bishop evinced an inclination to call them to his aid, the Vagre seized him. The sudden move choked off Cautin's sentence before he finished, the rotund and heavy bishop slipped, and tumbling down from branch to branch fell almost upon the back of the count.

I at last enjoy my day of freedom and of love. Long live the Vagrery!" "Shameless and sacrilegious woman! Accursed burgess! You shall burn for this in the everlasting flames of hell!" But Cautin's vituperation and threats were idle.