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At eleven o'clock the hut was shaken by a tremendous explosion, followed a few minutes afterwards by another. Several of the wounded officers begged Jack to go to Cathcart's Hill, to see what was doing. Jack willingly complied, and found numbers of officers and men hastening in the same direction.

The bombardment continued for three days, with a short interval, in the hopes that the Danes would yield; but it was not till a number of the garrison and inhabitants had been killed, and a large portion of the city burnt down, that General Peiman sent out a flag of truce. Lord Cathcart's reply was, that no capitulation could be listened to unless accompanied by the surrender of the Danish fleet.

Ever since he could remember, the erect, military form of Frank Taylor had been one of the landmarks of memory, like the sword that had belonged to Georgie Cathcart's father, or like the kindly, homely, gray figure of Mr. Kincaid in his rickety, two-wheeled cart the man who had given Bob his first firearm. After first greetings and inquiries, the two men sank back to finish their smoke together.

In three minutes more we should be at Purleybridge. And in three minutes more, we were at Purleybridge the only passengers but one who arrived at the station that night. A servant was waiting for me, and I followed him through the booking-office to the carriage destined to bear me to The Swanspond, as my friend Colonel Cathcart's house was called.