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We won't have much trouble in catchin' as many o' 'em as we want." "A doan b'lieve, Massa Brace, we hab got nebba such a ting as a shark-hook 'board de Cat'maran." "Don't make yourself uneasy 'bout that," rejoined the sailor, in a confident tone. "Shark-hook be blowed! I see somethin' up yonder worth a score o' shark-hooks. The brutes be as tame as turtles turned on their backs.

If dis child swim affer, he soon come up; and den wif de oar an' de help ob lilly Willy, he meet you more dan half-way, dat fo' sartin." "You think you can overtake her, Snowball?" "I be sartin ob dat ere. You tay here wif Lilly Lally. Keep by de chess and de cask boaf, for de latter am better dan de former. No fear, I soon bring de Cat'maran long dis way, once I get 'board o' her."

It was nothing more than he had prepared himself to expect, when the Coromantee, almost as soon as he had steadied himself astride of the water-cask, shouted, in a loud voice "The Cat'maran! the Cat'maran!" "Where?" cried the sailor. "To leuart?" "Dead in dat same direcshun." "How fur, cookey? how fur?"

'Tarn a island, a bit ob do real terrer firmer, as you soon see when we puts de Cat'maran 'bout an' gits a leetle nearer to de place."

"Wha is it, Lilly Lally?" interrogated the black, with an air of eagerness; "you see someting. Golly! am it de Cat'maran?" "No, it is not that. It's only a barrel floating on the water." "Only a ba'l, what sort o' a ba'l you tink 'im?" "I think it's one of the empty water-casks we had tied to the raft. I'm sure it is: for I see ropes upon it."

"No fear, Massa Brace, no fear o' dem leabin dis ole Cat'maran, so long's de be a-gwine on dat fashion. Looker dar! Fuss to one side, den de todder, back and for'rad as ef de cudn't be content nowha." While Snowball was speaking, and before he had commenced, the albacores had entered upon a peculiar movement.