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You catch breakfast quick!" During the meal they made plans for the day. In the morning Casey was going to shift the water to his oats; in the afternoon he would drive them over to Talapus. They would have supper there, and return by moonlight. Meanwhile they were to consider the place theirs, to go where and do what they liked. "I'll help you," Wade offered. "We'll all help you," said Clyde.

I never want to see a sagebush again as long as I live, or feel the crunch of gravel under my feet. I expect to die in French-heeled pumps and embroidered silk stockings and the finest, silliest silk things ever put in a show window to tempt the soul of a woman. But it took just two weeks and three days to drive Casey back to his sour-dough can."

"'When I was at home I was merry and frisky, My dad kept a pig and my mother sold whiskey' Beg pardon, mother, no allusion my word and honor none to you I mean "'My uncle was rich, but would never be aisy Till I was enlisted by Corporal Casey. Fine times in the army, Mr. Burke, with every prospect of a speedy promotion.

At a hundred yards they perceived the waiting horsemen, and halted abruptly. "You there!" Casey hailed. "We want to talk to you!" A vicious oath came as answer, distinct in the stillness. Then: "You get back and mind your own business!" McHale's rifle action clicked and clashed as he levered a cartridge from magazine to chamber. "Up with your hands, the bunch of you," he ordered, "or "

He was packed and moving up the little hill out of the grove before the sun had more than painted a cloud or two in the east. A dreamer once more gone to find the end of his particular rainbow, I told myself, as I watched him out of sight. I must admit that I hoped, down deep in the heart of me, that Casey would fall into some other unheard-of experience such as had been his portion in the past.

He spat out a stale quid of tobacco and took a fresh one, squinted again toward the butte and looked at Casey. "She's country I never prospected in, back in there. I've follered poorer advice than a Joshuay. Le's try it a whirl."

Casey drank sparingly and stopped when he would have given all he ever possessed in the world to have gone on drinking until he could hold no more. But he was not yet crazy with the thirst. So he stopped drinking, filled a white granite basin and soused his head again and again, sighing with sheer ecstasy at the drip of water down his back and chest.

Along the years behind him he left a straggling procession of men, women and events. The men and women would always know the color of his eyes and would recognize the Casey laugh in a crowd, years after they had last heard it; the events were full of the true Casey flavor, and as I say, when men told of them and mentioned Casey, they laughed.

It all sounded very convincing and as if Casey Ryan were in a fair way to become a rich man. The next time Casey saw the widow he was on his way to town for more powder, his whole box of "giant" having gone off with a tremendous bang the night before in one of those abrupt hailstorms that come so unexpectedly in the mountain country.

Yet there had been the lights of a car, and after the lights had been extinguished Casey had listened rather anxiously for sound of the motor and had heard nothing at all. The most powerful, silent-running car on the market would have made some noise in traveling through that sand and up and down the washes that seamed the mountain side. Casey would have heard it he had remarkably keen hearing.