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De Marque gives a curious instance in which the chin and chest were congenitally fastened together. Muirhead cites an instance in which a firm, broad strip of cartilage resembling sternomastoid extended from below the left ear to the left upper corner of the sternum, being entirely separate from the jaw.

Autopsies in some old horses reveal the presence of erosions of cartilage and hyperthrophy of the inflamed parts. Symptoms. In acute inflammations, there is always marked lameness. This is manifested to a greater degree when the subject advances the affected leg.

This portion of the inhibitory apparatus is described by Strangeways' Anatomy as two posterior ligaments which run each from three points on the sides of the os suffraginis to a piece of fibro cartilage, described as the glenoid cartilage, and attached to the postero-superior edge of the os coronae; between them is the insertion of the inferior sesamoidean ligament. Etiology and Occurrence.

As soon as the danger of suffocation is over, the edges of the wound should be freshened and the skin surfaces brought together with sutures. Only the skin without the cartilage should be sutured, and general treatment for encouraging union should be employed. If the wound fails to heal immediately, a treatment calculated to encourage granulations should be undertaken.

This was probably the reason for the reports given by the earlier navigators of the existence of tailed men in these regions. Some of the natives wore feathers in their hair, and all had fish bones thrust through the cartilage of the nose, which gave them a ferocious aspect. Even young boys wore sticks in the same fashion.

Displaced semilunar cartilage, and a three months' job. The man's worth thirty-five shillings a week. And there! I'm hanged if the woman with the rheumatic arthritis isn't round in her bath-chair again. She's all sealskin and lactic acid. It's simply sickening to see how they crowd to that man. And such a man! You haven't seen him. All the better for you.

On the upper edge of the cricoid cartilage are perched a pair of very singular cartilages, pyramidal in shape, called the arytenoid, which are of great importance in the production of the voice.

Of the epiglottis, a flexible cartilage, it is necessary to say little, as its function in voice-production, if it have any, has never been determined. It hangs as a flexible protective lid over the glottis, and food in being swallowed passes over and about it.

They are considered in greater detail in the chapter dealing with tumours of bone. Minute nodules of cartilage sometimes form in the synovial membrane of joints and lining of tendon sheaths and bursæ: they tend to become detached from the membrane and constitute loose bodies; they also undergo a variable amount of calcification and ossification, so as to be visible in skiagrams.

It is covered with a long fur, which falls densely over the body; as is its tail, which at once distinguishes it from its relatives. The ear is somewhat similar to that of man, but has no lower lobe. The nostrils open at the sides, and are separated by a wide piece of cartilage. The habits, however, of the ateles, are so similar, that they require no separate description.