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I shall get to the place where we left them about noon; you should reach there at night or early the next morning." "Hadn't you better take Bouche with you?" said Late Carscallen. The sub-factor thought a moment, and then said: "No, he is needed most where he is."

"Ay, that, but there's no place for me like Fort Providence." "Try this pheasant. And you are sub-factor now, Carscallen?" "There's two of us sub-factors Jeff Hyde and myself. Mr. Field is old, and can't do much work, and trade's heavy now." "I know. I hear from the factor now and then. And Gaspe Toujours, what of him?" "He went away three years ago, and he said he'd come back.

Hume was to go back with Cloud-in-the-Sky and Late Carscallen, and a number of Indian carriers; for this was a journey of business too. Gaspe Toujours and Jeff Hyde were to press on with Lepage, who was now much stronger and better. One day passed, and on the following morning Hume gave instructions to Gaspe Toujours and Jeff Hyde, and made preparations for his going back.

Late Carscallen, after a long pause, said "Amen," and Jeff said in a whisper to Gaspe Toujours: "That's to the point. Infirmities and dangers and necessities is what troubles us." Immediately after, at a sign from the sub-factor, Cloud-in-the-Sky began to transfer the burning wood from one fire to the other until only hot ashes were left where a great blaze had been.

Hume poured a little liquor down the sick man's throat, and Late Carscallen chafed the delicate hand delicate in health, it was like that of a little child now. When breath came again Hume whispered to his helper "Take Cloud-in-the-Sky and get wood; bring fresh branches. Then clear one of the sleds, and we will start back with him in the early morning."

Have you anything to propose? I suppose not," he added despairingly, as he looked closely into the face of the other. "Yes, Mr. Field, I propose that the expedition start at noon to-day." "Start-at noon-to-day?" "In two hours." "Who are the party?" "Jeff Hyde, Gaspe Toujours, Late Carscallen, and Cloud-in-the-Sky." "Who leads them, Hume? Who leads?" "With your permission, I do." "You?

Jeff Hyde shook his head at the others with a pleased I-told-you-so expression; Cloud-in-the-Sky grunted his deep approval; and Late Carscallen smacked his lips in a satisfied manner and rubbed his leg with a schoolboy sense of enjoyment. The factor continued: "In the name of the Hudson's Bay Company I will say that if you come back, having done your duty faithfully, you shall be well rewarded.

Hume made a motion to Late Carscallen, who was heating some liquor at the fire, and then he stooped and lifted up the sick man's head, and took his hand. "You have come to save me!" whispered the weak voice again. "Yes; I've come to save you." This voice was strong and clear and true. "I seem to have heard your voice before somewhere before I seem to have " But he had fainted.

It stated that "the Reverend James Carscallen, D.D., preached before Her Majesty on Whitsunday, and had the honour of lunching with Her Majesty afterwards." Remembering that, Late Carscallen rubbed his left hand joyfully against his blanketed leg and drank. Cloud-in-the-Sky's thoughts were with the present, and his "Ugh!" of approval was one of the senses purely.

It was to entertain his old arctic comrade that Jaspar Hume had declined to be entertained by society or club. A little while after, seated at the table, the ex-sub-factor said: "You found your brother well, Carscallen?" The jaws moved slowly as of old. "Ay, that, and a grand meenister, sir." "He wanted you to stay in Scotland, I suppose?"