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What was that?" demanded the boy. "Nothin', child, nothin', only a door shuttin' somewhere, or a window." At that moment a girl's voice caroled shrilly from the street. "Hullo, Keith, how do you do? We're awfully glad to see you out again." The boy started violently, but did not turn his head except to Susan. "Susan, I I'm tired. I want to go in now," he begged a little wildly, under his breath.

By noon business was virtually abandoned, for Clayton was getting ready to go to the wedding. Willowvale extended a welcome to the world. The wide front gates stood open, the big-eyed poplars beamed above the oleanders and the myrtle, while the thrushes and the redwings twittered and caroled their greetings from on high.

Harriet and Jane handled the irons. Miss Elting took down the curtains, which also were sadly in need of ironing, while Margery and Hazel prepared the noon meal. Tommy perched herself on the rail of the upper deck, and caroled forth a lisping ditty. After dinner, Harriet and Jane rowed ashore and purchased supplies from the farmhouse that they had observed on their way to the present anchorage.

Antoinette half shrugged her shoulders, as if she thought the statement questionable, and began the song. Beulah listened attentively; she was conscious of feeling more than ordinary interest in this performance, and almost held her breath as the clear, silvery voice caroled through the most intricate passages.

It caroled to its mate and to the sky and through her tears Mary Burton smiled and the gorgeous vividness of her face was illuminated. "While we've got each other," she said, "I guess it can be June." Suddenly she put out her slender, but strong, young hands and caught his two arms, and stood there looking at him.

Gray's roomy, old-fashioned veranda. "We're here because we're here," caroled Hippy Wingate, balancing himself on the edge of the porch rail, both arms outspread to show how successfully he could sit on the narrow railing without support. "You won't be 'here' very long," cautioned Miriam Nesbit. "You are likely to land in that rose bush just below you. It's a very thorny one, too.

"You women cer'nly are a sketch!" he caroled. "Going back to mamma, are you? Sure! That's what the first Mrs. Schwirtz was always doing. Let's see. Once she got as far as the depot before she came back and admitted that she was a chump. I doubt if you get that far. You'll stop on the step. You're too tightwad to hire a taxi, even to try to scare me and make it unpleasant for me."

It was just at this moment that Beautiful-Lovely, the Wolf Hound, muzzled lifted, eyes rolling, jabbed his shrill nose into space and harmony with a carol of his own, octaves of agony, Heaven knows what of ecstasy, that would have hurried an owl to its nest, a ghoul to a moving picture show! "Wow-Wow Wow!" caroled Beautiful-Lovely. "Ww ow Ww ow Ww Oo Wwwww!"

Then, turning to Betty: "Do I win?" she asked, laughing. "'Flow gently sweet Afton among thy green braes," caroled Betty. She was picking out the accompaniment with her first finger on the Assembly Hall piano, one stormy afternoon, for the benefit of Angela and Polly. They were trying to compose a Senior class song to Seddon Hall. "'Flow gently, I'll sing thee a song in thy praise."

Wrenn, who grinned back as the machine failed to work. "Let me try it," caroled Mr. Wrenn, and pounded the lever with the enthusiasm of comradeship. "Nothing doing, lady," crowed the fat man to the cashier. "I guess I draw two boxes, too, eh? And I'm in a cigar-store. How's that for stinging your competitors, heh? Ho, ho, ho!"