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I've an appointment with one of them this morning. He ought to be here now." At the moment Henderson's private secretary entered and laid on the table the card of Mr. John Hopper, who was invited to come in at once. Mr. Hopper was a man of fifty, with iron-gray hair, a heavy mustache, and a smooth-shaven chin that showed resolution.

There was some little stop while Pakenham's card, with a pencil message to Dr. Wilkins, was sent up. While this was doing, a superb mock-majesty man, in scarlet cloak and cocked hat, bedizened with gold, motioned us away. "Coachman, drive on; no carriage can stand before the India House that's the rule." Dr.

"I am not afraid of hard work, sir." "That is in your favor. Perhaps you may be as lucky as I have been. You may call at my office in the city, if you feel inclined." As Mr. Grant spoke he put in Phil's hand a card bearing his name and address, in Wall Street. "Thank you, sir," said Phil gratefully. "I shall be glad to call. I may need advice."

He must have been close to seventy, but for all that there was a youthful twinkle in his eyes as he took my card and looked up into my face. "So you are John Winthrop?" he said in way of preliminary. You may hand a card case full of your name to a lawyer, and still he will insist upon a verbal admission.

He had no union card, but, in laying shingles along a blue chalk line, few were as expert. It was August, there was no school, and Jimmie was carrying a dinner-pail to where his father was at work on a new barn. He made a cross-cut through the woods, and came upon the young man in the golf-cap. The stranger nodded, and his eyes, which seemed to be always laughing, smiled pleasantly.

In the raw state of her sensitiveness she felt all this as a terrible and perhaps intended humiliation. King did not return to the hotel till evening, and then he sent up his card to the Bensons. Word came back that the ladies were packing, and must be excused.

He could issue a passport for the infernal regions; he could give a card to dine with old Jones when one got there; and by way of facilitating matters, lend him a saddle to ride there.

After an hour's conversation, carried on by him in so friendly I may almost say affectionate a style as to make my heart bound with delight, the carriage was announced, and accompanied his lordship down to the Admiralty. His lordship sent up his card, and was requested immediately to go upstairs.

The ladies of Brookfield were accustomed to their father's occasional unpremeditated absences, and neither of them had felt an apprehension which she could not dismiss, until one morning Mr. Powys sent up his card to Arabella, requesting permission to speak with her alone. Georgiana Ford would have had little claim among the fair saints to be accepted by them as one of their order.

The more he thought of the matter the more perplexed he grew. As he was debating within himself what action he ought to take, there was a knock at the door and a domestic entered, handing him a card upon which was inscribed: "Captain Joliette." "Ha!" cried Monte-Cristo, "he comes in time. He will aid me in solving this mystery."