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And he and pa quarreled sometimes, but they were friends; for pa said Doc Holland meant no harm, even when he threatened to kill, which he did lots of times, even my pa. It turned out that Little Billie had the diphtheria and the next day he was as sick as a child could be, and live. They did everything for him, even got a kind of a lamp to blow carbolic acid in his throat; but he got no better.

It meant a good deal to me, too, for I particularly objected to Jimmy's Nellie partly because she was an inveterate smoker and a profuse spitter upon floors; partly because well to be quite honest because a good application of carbolic soap would have done no harm; and partly because she appeared to have a passion for exceedingly scanty garments, her favourite costume being a skirt made from the upper half of a fifty-pound calico flour bag.

And in the silence that occurred, Captain Filbert remarked that the only thing she used carbolic acid for was a decayed tooth. Presently Alicia made a great effort. She laid hands on Hilda's previous references as a tangibility that remained with her. "Do you ever go to the Cathedral?" she said.

She crept, trembling, to the door and tried the handle. It was locked, of course; she had known it would be. She clung to the knob and looked around. The room, built for a studio, had no window, only a sloping skylight, which was firmly fastened. The atmosphere was close, that of a room long shut up, flavoured with tobacco-smoke and the clean, pungent odour of carbolic.

The base of the ulcer and the thickened edges should then be freely scraped with a sharp spoon, and the resulting raw surface sponged over with undiluted carbolic acid or iodine, after which an antiseptic dressing is applied, and changed daily till healthy granulations appear. The venous return must be facilitated by elevation of the limb and massage.

The others have big strips of cotton laid over their backs and tied under them, and the men brush their legs with tansy tea, or water with a little carbolic acid in it. That keeps the flies away, and the cows know just as well that it is done for their comfort, and stand quietly till the milking is over. I must ask John to have their nightdresses put on sometimes for you to see.

Purification of the product is afterwards carried out by a process of fractional distillation. There are various other methods of preparing carbolic acid. When pure it appears as colourless needle-like crystals, and is exceedingly poisonous. It has been used with marked success in staying the course of disease, such as cholera and cattle plague.

When the room was cold the experiments were not so satisfactory, because in the former case there was very little if any current of air in the cylinder. This leads us to the question, why should we not make the solution of carbolic acid and water, and heat it, letting the steam escape by a small hole, so as to produce a jet?

Fumigation with carbolic acid is an undoubted cure, but then it is a dangerous one, and unless very great care is taken in killing the worms, the bird is killed also. Thus many find this a risky method, and prefer some other. Lime is found to be a valuable remedy. In some districts of England, where lime-kilns abound, it is a common thing to take children troubled with whooping-cough there.

Let all be done also, by fires if necessary, to thoroughly dry the room and house. See that all the family breathe fresh air by night as well as by day; have open windows where and when possible. Acetic acid is as powerful a disinfectant as carbolic acid, in proportion to its strength, and has the advantage of being harmless, unless in the glacial form.