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Both were obviously amateurs at sheep-driving, and the smart, intelligent bull terrier was as much an amateur as either of them, for shepherd, shepherdess and dog were only doing what a good collie would achieve alone and unaided. Behind the shepherd were two tall members of the Royal Irish Constabulary in full uniform and with carbines loaded.

They and the foremost Indians reached the ravine, on opposite sides, at the same time. They plunged in, could go no farther. It was the work of only an instant to vault from the saddles, leave the six horses to be held by Private Smith, and level their carbines from the brush of the rim. The Indians volleyed from the ravine edge. "They've got me," Private Smith called.

Some asserted that he was impervious to shot, spear, or sabre. Those who had fired their carbines at him while on the bridge fully believed this. They were ready to swear each one of them that they had hit the cibolero, and must have killed him had he not been under supernatural protection! Wonderful stories now circulated among the soldiers and throughout the settlement.

In an instant the two columns had clashed together, like thunder. What followed was a fierce and confused struggle sabres clashing, carbines banging, men shouting, groaning, and falling from their horses, which trampled over the dead and wounded alike. I was close beside Mohun as he closed in with Darke.

On the following day, from dawn to dark, we were in the midst of an incessant stream of the defeated men, flying to the south, in small parties of two or three to half a dozen men, with some larger bands, all in their scarlet uniforms and armed with lances and carbines and broadswords, many of the bands driving large numbers of horses before them.

From river-bank to crest of bluff they ploughed through the drifts, overcoats strapped behind and carbines flung forward in readiness for action, but as they climbed to that topmost ridge, eager, expectant, it was only to gaze down upon a deserted camp, trampled snow, and blackened embers of numerous fires.

"They are going to oppose the mob on foot, with their carbines," said the hangman; "there will be sad work here I am afraid." "Well, at all events," said Mr. Chillingworth, "I shall decline acting the part of a spy here any longer; so here goes." "Hilloa! a friend, a friend here, in the summer-house!" "Make it two friends," cried the hangman, "if you please, while you are about it."

Fortunately the travelers were well armed with carbines and revolvers. A holding anchor was also put on board in case John should be unable to make the land in one tide, and would have to seek moorings. At ten o'clock the tide turned. The breeze blew gently from the northwest, and a slight swell rocked the frail craft. "Are we ready?" asked John. "All ready, captain," answered Wilson.

When Tompkins reached almost to the carriage shop, "Extra Billy" and his men "let loose", causing Tompkins' men to "run off ingloriously, pulling down fences and making their escape through fields" while leaving the ground strewn with "carbines, pistols, sabers, etc."

Marie noticed maps and plans stretched out upon long tables, and in the corners of the room a quantity of weapons and stacked carbines. These things bore witness, though she did not know it, to an important conference between the leaders of the Vendeans and those of the Chouans.