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La Signorina Capricciosa, who broke the bank at Monte Carlo, will open at the " "Be still," said Worth. "Dash it, business is business, and without publicity there isn't any business." O'Mally was hurt. "Mr. O'Mally is right," said La Signorina. "It would be a good advertisement. But your combined opinion is what I want."

"We shall leave in the morning for Venice," said Hillard, taking up the tune again. "Venice? How about Rome and Florence?" "Which would you prefer: Rome and the antiquities, or Venice and Kitty Killigrew?" "Kitty in Venice? Are you sure?" "She is there with La Signorina Capricciosa. Oh, this is a fine world, after all, and I was wrong to speak ill of it this morning."

A thoughtful frown passed from one face to another; and each strove to recall this name among half-forgotten memories. Finally, one by one they shook their heads. The name had a familiar echo, but that was all. It was quite possible that they had seen it in the Paris edition of the Herald. "Let me read this letter to you. She addresses me as Capricciosa, my stage name."

A duke sent me an invitation to take supper with him, as if I were a ballerina! I sent one of the American chorus girls, a little minx for mischief. She ate his supper, and then ran away. I understand that he was furious. Only a few months more, Nell, and then I may come and go as I please. Come to Venice. Capricciosa. Hillard did not stir. Another labyrinth to this mystery!

Why couldn't his fancy have been charmed by an every-day, sensible girl, and not by this whimsical, extraordinary woman who fooled diplomats, flaunted dukes, and kept a king at arm's length as a pastime? And yet ! "Capricciosa," he mused aloud. "That is not her name." "And I shall not tell it you." "But her given name? Just a straw; something to hold on; I'm a drowning man."

Buona notte, bela capricciosa!" and bowing low he turned towards the door, "Thank you a thousand times for a very happy evening! Even when you are unkind to me you are still charming! Addio!"

Comic Opera Co., N.Y. "Kitty has been here!" "Perfectly true. But I wonder." "Wonder about what?" asked Merrihew. "Who La Signorina Capricciosa is. Whimsical indeed. She must be the mysterious prima donna." He studied the easy-flowing hand, and ran his fingers through his hair thoughtfully. Then he frowned. "What is it?" asked Merrihew curiously.

Ah, that woman in the mask, that chimera of a night, that fancy of an hour! And then Merrihew burst in upon him, wildly excited, and flourished the hotel register. "Look at this!" he cried breathlessly. He flung the book on the table and pointed with shaking finger. Hillard came forward, and this is what he saw: Thomas O'Mally James Smith Arthur Worth La Signorina Capricciosa Kitty Killigrew Am.

Capricciosa; Kitty Killigrew's unknown prima donna; and all he had to do was to take the morning train for Venice, and twenty-four hours later he would be prowling through the Campo Santa Maria Formosa. Though his mind was busy with a hundred thoughts, his head was still bent and his eyes riveted upon the page. Mrs. Sandford observed him curiously, even sadly.