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Any conditions which make it no longer worth while to invest capital in business, or which destroy credit, have the same effect. One of the causes of the decay of the Roman Empire was the drain of specie to the East in exchange for perishable commodities. When trade is declining a general listlessness comes over the industrial world, and the output falls still further.

"It was capital fun," he said; "and after all," the "all" on this occasion being Lily Dale, and the sadness of his disappointment at Allington, "after all, let a fellow be ever so down in the mouth, a little amusement should do him good." And he reflected further that the more a fellow be "down in the mouth," the more good the amusement would do him.

Not peace, but a cessation of the investment of Paris, was brought about, on the 23d of August, 1590, by Duke Alexander of Parma, who, in accordance with express orders from Philip II., went from the Low Countries, with his army, to join Mayenne at Meaux and threaten Henry IV. with their united forces if he did not retire from the walls of the capital.

In the course of half an hour, I became satisfied that he was talking the English of the fifteenth century the English of Shakespeare, Beaumont, and Fletcher but how he had learned such English, in the nineteenth century and in the capital of eastern Siberia, I could not imagine.

'Are you going to mak' the tea? demanded he of the shabby coat, shifting his ferocious gaze from me to the young lady. 'Is he to have any? she asked, appealing to Heathcliff. 'Get it ready, will you? was the answer, uttered so savagely that I started. The tone in which the words were said revealed a genuine bad nature. I no longer felt inclined to call Heathcliff a capital fellow.

Tell me, please," continued the staff-captain, appealing to me. "You used to live in the Capital, I think, and that not so very long ago. Is it possible that the young men there are all like that?"

As they approached this capital, Renaldo's grief seemed to regurgitate with redoubled violence.

He ordered public rejoicings for several days together, gave great largesses to his officers and the people, and alms to the poor, and caused the prisoners to be set at liberty throughout his kingdom The joy was soon general in the capital, and in every part of his dominions.

Lastly, the fat and wealthy Banian traders from Porebunder, Mandavie, and Bombay, rolled across in their clumsy Kotias , and with a formidable row of empty ghee jars slung over the quarters of their vessels, elbowed themselves into a permanent position in the front tier of craft in the harbour, and by their superior capital, cunning, and influence soon distanced all competitors."

The whole country thrilled with political life. For the time, the provinces held the directing power, which had been necessarily removed from the capital; and most powerful motive of all they looked on the Parisian experiment as gross treason to la patrie, while she lay at the feet of the Germans.