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Go, hopen yo' do's an' stan juz as you har ub biffo dad crowd and sesso! My God! 'Sieu' Frowenfel', iv you cannod stan' ub by you'sev " She ceased suddenly with a wild look, as if another word would have broken the levees of her eyes, and in that instant Frowenfeld recovered the full stature of a man. "God bless you!" he cried. "I will do it!"

She was silent for a moment, searching my face, then broke out again: "It is all 'ard work in my profession, I make very liddle, I cannot afford to be rob. Without the men I cannod make my living, I must drust them and they rob me like this, it is too 'ard." And the slow tears rolled faster and faster from her eyes on to her hands and her black lap.

Never mind; I have no doubt thad, when I make my discoveries known, I shall find some wealthy man who, for the sake of science, will find der money," said the professor hopefully. "How much would it cost to build an aerial ship such as you have been speaking of?" asked the baronet. "Oh! I cannod say. Nod zo very much. Berhabs a hundred thousandt bounds," was the reply. "Phew!

"'Vell, Maircus, said the old man, 'I cannod see any sunshine out der vindow, but dere's so much off id in your face dot you can sheep dot bill. 'Well, Sam, said I, 'if that's the case, I guess I will buy you that box of cigars." Another thing: Don't beef! There is a slight difference between the "grouch" and the "beef."

She was silent for a moment, searching my face, then broke out again: "It is all 'ard work in my profession, I make very liddle, I cannot afford to be rob. Without the men I cannod make my living, I must drust them and they rob me like this, it is too 'ard." And the slow tears rolled faster and faster from her eyes on to her hands and her black lap.

"Dat wond hinder me from drying to zaave you," replied his mother, affectionately. "I must see vad is de madder vid you, or I cannod cure you." "I am past your doctoring, mother," groaned Blaize. "Leave me alone, I say. You hurt me shockingly!" "Poor child!" cried Josyna, soothingly, "I'll be as dender as possible. I'll nod give you de leasd pain nod de leasd bid."

Give yourself to your people to those, I mean, who groan, or should groan, under the degraded lot which is theirs and yours in common." The quadroon shook his head, and after a moment's silence, answered: "Ah cannod be one Toussaint l'Ouverture. Ah cannod trah to be. Hiv I trah, I h-only s'all soogceed to be one Bras-Coupé." "You entirely misunderstand me," said Frowenfeld in quick response.