United States or Qatar ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

The mutual animosity of the parties seemed every day to increase during the election, and a great number of unqualified votes were presented on both sides; all the powers of insinuation, obloquy, and ridicule, were employed to vilify and depreciate both candidates.

Manifestly when a minority group is thus segregated and forced out of the nation, they can in reason do but one thing take advantage of the disadvantage. In this case we demanded colored officers for the colored troops. General Wood was early approached and asked to admit suitable candidates to Plattsburg. He refused.

Day after day the managers of the three veteran politicians plotted and counter-plotted and "Young America" shouted for Douglas. On the fourth day he had risen to second rank among the candidates, having 91 votes, while Cass had 93. On the fifth day the four distinguished statesmen were dropped and Franklin Pierce, an inoffensive New Hampshire politician, was nominated.

When Barrington asked him supposing there were only two candidates, one a Socialist and the other a Tariff Reformer how would he like to be compelled to vote for one of them, he was at a loss for an answer. During the next few days the contest continued. The hired orators continued to pour forth their streams of eloquence; and tons of literature flooded the town.

Chamberlain and his friends, as an atonement for the misdeeds of the club, than such an alteration in the rules as would deprive the members of the power of black-balling candidates by transferring elections from the club at large to a special election committee. I was present at the meeting of the club at which a resolution to this effect was proposed by Lord Hartington.

No part of the course should be along a road. Throughout the Test candidates must carry rucksacks, which should weigh about six lbs. for men, and three lbs. for ladies. The ski must not be removed during the test, except to clean or repair them. The Judges should, if possible, appoint two time-keepers. During the descent not more than six candidates must be judged in one batch.

The afternoon was well along when Hugh was approached by "Just" Smith, one of the candidates who meant to try for the Marathon prize. "Several of the boys are meaning to start off on that seven-mile spin, Hugh," the other announced as he came up; "and they want you to come along. We can start together, and then separate, as we feel disposed;" and, as this suited Hugh, he agreed.

I had long had an eye open for the discernment of such an embryo statesman, and looked forward with interest to the study of the present crop of political candidates.

A year after a message was brought by a native, entreating for further help. There were 1,200 seriously inquiring into the doctrine, with many candidates for baptism, and at many places around it was the same. In the year 1840, the Bishop set forth to visit the spot and the adjacent districts, where almost all the villages seemed to be actuated by the same impulse.

That's the fate of everybody who goes up against established customs. And so we hired a "bearer." There were plenty of candidates. They appeared in swarms before our trunks had come up from the steamer, and continued to come by ones and twos until we had made a selection. They camped outside our rooms and watched every movement we made.