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"I infer from your own statement that you were aware months ago of the death of your father and brothers, and of the fact that Mr. Burley was in Canada seeking for you?" "That is correct, sir." "And yet you kept silence you did not reveal your identity?" "Yes. I had a reason, as I mentioned before." "It must have been a very important one!" "My lord, I agree with Mr.

Jeanne's little cabin was very plain, but the window gave a nice lookout and could be opened at will. They would cross the lake and go down to Barre on the Canada side, and that would give a different view. Was the ocean so very much larger, she wondered in her inexperienced fashion. They passed a few boats going up.

The population of the five provinces had increased from about 1,500,000, in 1841, to about 3,200,000 when the census was taken in 1861 The greatest increase had been in the province of Upper Canada, chiefly in consequence of the large immigration which flowed into the country from Ireland, where the potato rot had caused wide-spread destitution and misery.

A colored woman said to me, "I would rather work for any people than the Abolitionists. They expect us to do so much, and they say we ought to work cheaper for them because they are 'our friends." Look at them in Canada.

Lord Gosford's appointment caused much surprise. He was a stranger in politics and in civil government. There is no doubt that his appointment was a last resource. But his Irish geniality and his facility in being all things to all men were no small recommendations for a governor who was to attempt to set things right in Canada.

To the President and Members of the British Association for the Advancement of Science: GENTLEMEN, It is with no common pleasure that we, the mayor and aldermen of Montreal welcome to this city and to Canada, so distinguished a body as the British Association for the Advancement of Science.

It passed the law which introduced voting by ballot and required all elections, in a general contest, to be held on one day. It brought forth the Scott Act, which proved a useful if not a final measure of temperance reform. It established the Royal Military College and the Supreme Court of Canada. It pushed the Pacific Railway forward steadily, if somewhat slowly, as a government work.

To this class belonged most of the planter-settlers of Virginia, the seigneurs of French Canada, the lords of the great Portuguese feudal holdings in Brazil, and the dominant class in all the Spanish colonies.

He even went so far as to affirm that the whole resources of the British Empire could not construct the railway in ten years. As a matter of fact, it was built by Canada in less than five years. This marvellous feat was not accomplished without great exertions, much anxiety, and the exercise of the highest arts of statesmanship.

The next thing was to secure the adoption of the scheme by the Government of Canada; and with this view Mr. Duncan undertook the long journey across the continent to Ottawa. The Hon. D. Laird, Minister of the Interior, gave the most attentive hearing to his representations, and also made him a donation of 1,000 dollars towards the work at Metlakahtla; and on May 10th, 1876, Mr. Mr.